Differential Backups question

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by Dariodee, Oct 15, 2008.

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  1. Dariodee

    Dariodee Registered Member

    Oct 15, 2008
    Using TU11, I'm looking for an option that allows me to schedule weekly backups, but ONLY if it can do so without gradually filling up my external drive more and more.

    In other words, I'm either looking for a way to automatically overwrite my weekly full backup with a completely new one (so it's always using the same amount of HD space, rather than making a second full backup file), or just keep a full backup with ONE incremental file that it overwritten each week.

    Do Differential Backups allow you to do this? The descriptions of Incremental and Differential backups are confusing... I can't tell if creating Differential backups is going to always overwrite any exiting ones, or just keep piling up new files every time you run TU (as with Incremental backups).

    I'm assuming there's a way, or else scheduling backups would seem pretty useless if it gradually filled up your drives. 'Need something that's 0-maintenance, and doesn't make me have to always go and delete the obsolete archives.
  2. shieber

    shieber Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2004
    Look in the user guide and read about "Backup Locations". When yu create one, you set limits for total size, number or age of backups. This works with diffs and incs by consolidating a set of incs/difs into a full when a limit is exceeded.

    The frequency of the backup is set by the Task you create -- be sure to point the Task to the Backup Location oin the the directory tree inthe Task Wizard and not just point at the disk directory.

    File by file backups have probs for some folks with scheduled Task and Backup Locations but partion or full disk backups shouldn't be a prob.
  3. TheWeaz

    TheWeaz Registered Member

    Jul 9, 2005
    If you create a scheduled FULL task which runs every week, it will overwrite the file created by the last time it ran.
  4. Dariodee

    Dariodee Registered Member

    Oct 15, 2008
    Thanks for the help, all.
    Ah, that's what I need. Glad to know it'll do that (thought it would surely just make a new file called Backup(2).tib)
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