DiamondCS Labs upgrade - unexpected downtime

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by Gavin - DiamondCS, Apr 22, 2002.

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  1. Gavin - DiamondCS

    Gavin - DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Hi everyone,

    We've been refurbishing the DiamondCS labs over the weekend in preparation for the addition of another full time programmer, and unfortunately we are unable to get back online to answer support email today. We will be back online tonight and email will be answered tomorrow as normal.

    We apologise for any inconvenience caused, a big plus will be the improved productivity due to some key changes in the labs. We hope you understand and look forward to being back tomorrow.
  2. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Sounds all very promissing!
    Wish you guys all good luck and strength and new excitement; looking forward to the new improvements!
  3. Gavin - DiamondCS

    Gavin - DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Hi Jooske,

    Very promising, a very nice new environment on coming back yesterday, a lot more productive even just with the changes to the lab furnishings and such, I was surprised and very pleased :)
  4. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Sounds all so wonderful and great, i'm really very happy for you all. What some changes can do eh? Hope you can find your things back after all the re-install.
    Many people are changing or even moving home, seems to be in the air.
  5. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Congrats Gavin and Wayne  :)
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