I saw DefenseWall mentioned in another thread. I have not come across it before, but just had a quick look at their site. Just wondering if this would already be covered by BOCLean and PG (paid). Don't really want to add superfluous functions. Is the HIPS function better applied with this than in Kerio in the paid version. Currently I have it running in the free state.
Thanks for the link. Taken me a while to get through it. It does answer the question about PG, but not whether it is better to use HIPS in Kerio 4 or use DW. My own thoughts are that it is still early in development and is still throwing up bugs, and the price is more than Kerio. Can anyone enlighten me on the various merits please.
I'd say yes it worthwhile a good choice Its different to the other apps you have ......what registry protection do you have? Anything running in the DW has certain restrictions place on it Can't modify trusted files (eg virus behavior, or Trojan injection etc) Can't create hooks (keyloggers) Can't autostart Can't install drivers https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=117426 Don't have any experience of Kerio in recent times ...
I also use free ProcessGuard and that is also a HIPS. I dont always know what all popups stand for but 8-9 out of 10 is not too bad and since DW never need to pop up at all the combination feels good. DW protects me when being a stupid surfer and downloader - hope PG helps protect me when being stupid otherwise with my PC. I have not used Antimalware/Bufferzone or Sansboxie or GesWall or Kerio. Those are - if I understand right - "HIPS with/through surfing/emailing and more - out of a virtual enviroment/sandbox" when PG - I am in deep waters - is a more conventional registry defense? Not to says that PG isnt good - I believe it is. I have looked at BufferZone but I have a feeling DW is safer and harder to break (there is a thread about that) allthough last I looked BufferZone was free for homeusers who are members of the Trustware community - which is also free - so if one totally understands PG and have a full paid version one might not need/want the simplicity and high security level that DW offers. Payed PG + free BZ might be an interesting combination. I go for simplicity - cause I am total layman. Probably didnt help you at all ;-) Best Regards
I currently have PG (paid), BOCLean, Avast free and Kerio 4.2.2 free. I am reluctant to add any more overheads if not necessary.
Well I use REGRUN plat with antihacker - this is a poll based system that I'm very happy with. But You could try SNS or Regdefend/Appdefend and replace PG. But remember .... Defensewall should protect the registry from sandboxed app anyway