.Default Rule-set

Discussion in 'Ghost Security Suite (GSS)' started by tonyjl, Dec 2, 2005.

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  1. tonyjl

    tonyjl Registered Member

    May 25, 2004
    There is a pre-configured rule-set called .Default for the permissions list,is it possible to add others like .High for a tighter setup for stuff your not sure about? if so,how you configure them?
  2. Jason_R0

    Jason_R0 Developer

    Feb 16, 2005
    Hi Tony,

    I am not going to be supporting user made custom .Default style rules, however I may be adding a few more which allow users to have different ".Defaults" for different applications. That way if you ran opera.exe you might give it a different base set of .Defaults rather than notepad.exe .
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