Decrese Shutdown Time

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by syedaltaf, Jun 16, 2003.

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  1. syedaltaf

    syedaltaf Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2003
    Hello Every one..
    i am new user of this site.. and i hope i will get a quick response ...
    My prob is .. My windows XP Professional take too much time to Shutdown.
    It takes about 1 Minut to shutdown..
    Any one have the tip to decrease shutdown time o_O
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    System shutdown time can depend upon a few different things. One thing that is important to consider is what applications you have running when you trigger the shutdown. Windows tries to close all applications cleanly during shutdown.

    What happens if you exit all programs (everything from the Windows task bar and systray) prior to shutting down? How fast/slow is it then?

    You can test the effect of different running applications on shutdown time by manually exited different applications just before using Windows shutdown to see if any one program is the cause for a long shutdown time.
  3. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Another factor that increases system shutdown in XP is if you have set it to clear the page file at shutdown.

    Basically, clearing the page file at shutdown causes Windows to over write the page file to erase its contents at shutdown time. This can take a lot of time depending upon the speed of the disk and the size of the page file. Do you know if you have that set? (See this Microsoft article (link) on how that is done. Note that some utilities will make this setting for you. For example, this is one of the options in XP Antispy.)
  4. StAnger

    StAnger Registered Member

    Jun 8, 2003
    Backup your registry before making manual changes.
    Making a manual Restore Point will do.

    There's quite a few things related to shutting down your system faster located in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

    AutoEndTasks (set to 1) will automatically kill hung up programs for you. The next one is HungAppTimeout (make sure it's 5000). Next up is WaitToKillAppTimeout. Which should be set to 4000 (default is 20000).
    Since we have the programs being killed after a certain amount of time you will also want to do the same for services. Change the WaitToKillServiceTimeout to 4000 as well.

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\desktop]

    In doing this the only constraint that you should make sure exists is that HungAppTimeout is greater than WaitToKillAppTimeout.

    The timeout values are in milliseconds.

    Part of this trick (and many others) can be found here:
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