I have two used 40GB Maxtor IDE drives that are in good condition, both of which I removed from existing older single-drive machines, and replaced with larger capacity units. The Maxtors were single partition NTFS C:\ drives, and contain their original data. I want to wipe them for reuse without destroying them, and give them to a local charity. I read that DBAN works well for this sort of operation. If I understand correctly, all that is necessary is to install the drives in any machine with all other HDDs removed, boot from the DBAN floppy, and the drives will be securely wiped, but still be good to use (reformat?). There will be no effect on the machine's existing BIOS settings. Is that correct? Thanks.
You want to be extra sure..run truecrypt over the two drives..then Dban..get wiped encrypted info = no hope of recovery
I used Secure Erase when I needed to do the same, some time ago. It was quite simple to use & not too long a wait for 30-40GB drive iirc. https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=194497
Now theres an interesting wipe process, thanks for sharing it. Makes pefect sense that an encrypted disk, dbanned that way likely pulverizes any leftover data on the disk. EASTER