Data corruption test programs

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by MrBrian, May 24, 2008.

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  1. MrBrian

    MrBrian Registered Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    Here are some programs that can be used to test if your system has data corruption issues:

    a) Bart's Stuff Test, freeware version. There is also a paid version with more capabilities. This program fills your hard disk to whatever percent you specify, and then reads the files it wrote, checking for corruption. The process can be repeated indefinitely. On a corruption error, you will see the message "data compare mismatch", as shown here. The website is unavailable now, but the freeware version can be found on Ultimate Boot CD for Windows. I was able to find the freeware version on the Web by searching for The version of found at is the same version as found in Ultimate CD for Windows, according to Bit9 FileAdvisor.

    b) TestIO.

    This program can also be used to test non-networked devices.

    c) Microsoft Storage Data Verification Filter Test. This is found in the free Windows Logo Kit.

    d) IOZone is a command-line tool with many switches. One of the switches is -+d, diagnostic mode. In this mode every byte is validated.

    I didn't try Microsoft Storage Data Verification Filter Test. I tried the other three. Of those three, I'd recommend trying Bart's Stuff Test first. Second choice would be TestIO.
    Last edited: May 24, 2008
  2. MrBrian

    MrBrian Registered Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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