Cycle through keyfiles?

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by potassium, Dec 19, 2011.

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  1. potassium

    potassium Registered Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    So I have a truecrypt archive that I'm fairly certain I remember the password to, but the problem is I can't remember which keyfiles I used, nor can I remember how many. So rather than manually trying to unlock the archive with every combination of the ~10 different files, is there a way to have, say, OTFBrutus take care of that for me? In my mind, itwould be a similar process to testing different passwords with the same keyfiles, but instead just testing the same password with different keyfiles.

    I tested to see what Brutus can do with a short password, 2 keyfile test archive and knowingly fed it a list of too many keyfiles along with the correct password, and it didn't find the password, even though the correct keyfiles were included in the list. Naturally with the correct password and only the two correct keyfiles if found the password, but it didn't inform me anything about the (correct) keyfiles I included; I assume that it assumed that I knew what I was doing when I fed them to it.

    I've googled and googled, but with no luck. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  2. tateu

    tateu Registered Member

    Dec 10, 2010
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    Interesting...I didn't actually think to program OTFBrutus to cycle through keyfiles. It always uses all of the keyfiles with each password attempt.

    It could very complicated if you don't remember the password and you don't remember which and how many keyfiles. Let's say you add 10 keyfiles and don't know which ones or how many you used and also don't know what your password is:

    10 keyfiles = 1023 keyfile combinations
    [1-4]{1-4} = 360 password combinations

    So now you have to try 1023 keyfile combinations for each of the 360 passwords.

    Total = 1023 * 360 = 368,280 combinations

    I could certainly try and add this feature to OTFBrutus...I don't have time to work on it for atleast several weeks though...and I'm not quite sure how to go about programming the GUI/commanline options to handle it...
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