Customs now "Private Copyright Infringement Enforcement"??

Discussion in 'privacy general' started by KookyMan, May 27, 2008.

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  1. KookyMan

    KookyMan Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2008
    Michigan, USA
    Hey all.

    Just thought some of you would like to see some snippets of an article that was posted regarding Canada. According to the article, the US as well as EU are involved in this as well.

    Source: Canada.Com

    From the article:
    These are just three snippets taken from the first page, of three. Definitely worth a read for those who travel across borders frequently.

    As for my personal opinion:
    Now as if we didn't have enough reason to keep track of what we carry, now we even have to be cautious of whats on the machine? Why do I so see Customs saying, "Ok, now we're gonna run a 'Windows Genuine' check on your machine to make sure its a legal copy of Windows. I don't care if your only coming to Canada for an hour to see a friend, your carrying your laptop, it best be 100% legal and provable."

    I am talking about this on another forum, where someone mentioned who is going to be paying for this; Yes, the taxpayers are going to be paying for the enforcement of copyrights of companies who aren't paying for it themselves, and don't even need to say that someone is breaking copyright. This is like throwing a net across the border, and trying to catch people without any suspicion what-so-ever. Especially since the border agents have the call of what is or is not legitimate. Boy, talk about not wanting to piss off customs agents anymore. You do, they'll search your device and "find" "illegal" material, and confiscate it.

    Isn't there something somewhere about not having the same entity be the investigator, judicator, jury, and "executioner"? Should we just start calling Customs agents "Street Judges."

    (Reference to Judge Dredd)
  2. sukarof

    sukarof Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2004
    Stockholm Sweden
    What sick mind comes up with these kind of ideas...
    So, if I have a big file (made with portable Truecrypt) lets say named "nghryut" what happens then? Anyone using encryption software are automatically banned from that country? Or do they steal your laptop?
  3. caspian

    caspian Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    You could always split the TrueCrypt volume into 100 MB sections, zip it, upload it to Rapidshare, and then join on the other side of the border, hehe. I tried splitting a small volume and rejoining it just to see, and it worked. I was simply amazed.
  4. KookyMan

    KookyMan Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2008
    Michigan, USA
    Well, first they would have to prove it is an encrypted file. But I love that first question. I don't know who comes up with them. I'm guessing the ??AA Exec's in their dreams, as suggested by the article.
  5. sukarof

    sukarof Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2004
    Stockholm Sweden
    Since it is so easy to bypass their search for copyrighted material makes one wonder what the point is really.
    As I see it it is just a PR trick to scare average joe.
    The last tremors of old dying dinosaurs paving the ground for Big Brother.
  6. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California

    More that that, maybe. It could be paving the way to start a campaign (again) against strong encryption. The idea, I think, is just to put the concept of enforcement out there often enough that it takes on the aura of an old problem that we need to come to grips with. They gloss over the enforcement inequities and people do not understand what they are actually saying...

    There may be real issues of concern here, but this is just a power grab. Can you imagine there being popular support for this measures? Yeah...keep us posted on this one. Gotta keep these guys on a short leash!
  7. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC

    (Form will be on the page linked to above for your contact info). Pete
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2008
  8. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California
    Naturally the negotiations are being rushed. After all, how would it look if the people defending the role of the ISP's are conducting their negotiations from a jail cell?

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