Thanks for answering. Please note: it is not my fault if those who answer IE 6 get caught in a wild mob I'm just rather curious at what browsers everyone who visits these forums uses. -javacool
Nice poll. My main PC has IE 5.5 SP2 on it. But any browser I use at home automatically has Proxomitron as its local proxy server.
hmmm well ya got me actually.. I have IE 5 5.00.2614.3500 that's what it says under system information, and there is no decimal but only a space between the first 2 5's. so is this 5.5 sp or an earlier version? I'll vote after I know hehehe
I use Opera 6.0 for 99.9% of my browsing. I have IE 6 on my system for the use of the windows update function.
If only Microsoft would get "off the high horse" and make Windows Update compatible with other browsers... I'd love to see THAT feature...
Got an error message when I tried to vote. So here it is: Netscape 6.2.1. Got really tired with the endless stream of IE security updates.
I tried Netscape 6.01 and 6.1, and was disappointed in both of them - nowhere near the size, speed, or benefits of the Netscape 4.7x line. Plus, IMHO, Netscape 6.xx is somewhat of bloatware (although that may have been approved in the version you are using). Does it still take forever to load, and not load at all sometimes until reboot?
Well I used to be IE hater, but I voted for IE 6 since that is what I use currently. When Netscape started to get more problems, the browser wars, and they starting including AOHell software in to be forcefully installed without your permission was when I started to use IE. If we look at Netscape now, they are basically just another AOHell portal. Netscape is just another name for AOHell now, but that can be said about much of the free software including the popular WinAMP, etc... Mozilla is promising, and I have tried the builds. However there's still bugs with it, but the sad part is the Netscape 6.xx browsers are built on the Mozilla beta builds, then sent out as full release software. So anyone running Netscape 6.xx is running beta software.
For Javacool: My browser has never failed to boot. It boots to a "blank page" in 5 to 6 seconds. I start it from a tray shortcut as I don't like anything running unless I need it or I am using it. System stats are: Win98SE, PIII 933MHz, 640MB RAM, Maxtor 60GB 7200RPM The only quirk so far is if you are in the middle of downloading a file and you exit the browser, it may or may not terminate the download then and there. I basically just use the Navigator portion of the browser and use a small program called "Popcorn" for e-mail. For BlitzenZeus: I guess it just comes down to whom you dislike more. I, however, have given BG and M$ my last yen. In all things it seems a little balance is better. I'm going to keep Win98SE but I am also going to add Mandrake Linux to my system. As far as using beta software, I am beginning to think most software is never anything "but" beta.
I am currently using IE6 BUT I am not using the default privacy settings as provided by Microsoft. Having followed a discussion at DSLR forums shortly after installing IE 6, I am now using one of Eric Howes xml import files to control cookies in the Internet and Trusted Zones. I also have a custom security zone which is controlled with a custom reg file that Eric kindly created for me and I have the Iespyad list of sites loaded into my Restricted Zone and everything there disabled. Having done that I can now use the internet as I wish knowing that cookies are being controlled the way *I* want them to be - not the way that Microsoft would like them controlled. For anyone who is at all interested, take a look at Eric's site. He and others did a power of research on the subject of the IE6 privacy policy and discovered that amongst other things, the so-called privacy policy function leaves a lot to be desired.
I use IE6 and I'm unsafe and I get spied on. I can't pass a Browser Privacy test without using Proxomitron. I disable Active-X and enable Active Scripting. I stay away from nasty sites, if I can help it.
Hey! Why don't you guys check out the world's fastest browser?:
That ain't it. fastest browser is one you make your self with 5 lines of code. (1k) A little light on the features though.
Do I get to vote twice? I use the IE 5.5 SP2 (with all the critical updates stuck into it), but my preference is my Netscape Communicator 4.76. Started with Netscape 4 yrs ago, tried the IE for awhile, found it dragged loading intensive graphic pages and 9 times out of 10 locked up my system where I had to reboot. Netscape didn't seem to do that as much and the pages loaded pretty darn fast (even the download for the IE seemed to take long...I am sure there were more things there than I would have really needed, but with the last critical up-date it was said that a typical install was necessary because if you choose a custom install you might miss the components needed for the security patch.) I do feel a bit hijacked by IE sometimes since my ISP really recommends using it for mail (I don't like Outlook Express!!) and most sites now seem to be recommending it or you don't get to see all the nifty graphics if you use Netsape 4x I will over-come and adjust!
Currently using Opera 6.01 (paid). I've been an Opera user since 4.0 came out. I laughed at it at first because I couldn't figure out what was so great about it but I stuck with it for a week or so and I was hooked. I keep IE as a backup but don't seem to have to use it that much anymore.
I use Opera 5.11 (free) as my main browser. It is stable and fast. Although I use it for research, it does allow the viewing of movies and listening to music. I tried Opera 6.0 but it seems a little more bloated--trying to keep up with IE and NS. I find the e-mail and newsreader clients a bother as there are better standalone programs for these. I use K-Meleon for my backup browser. It is very lite and fast. It is simply for browsing the web, it has no add-ons like e-mail and newsreaders. It is built upon the gecko engine (like Mozilla).
Hi i'm the new one ! Am currently using Opera 6 ish on m$98se. I used a complete uninstal prog on IE so totally binned it and the whole os is faster. Dwnlded win updates before removal. The other 1 is m$xp runin ie 6 if u do a complete uninstall with 6 xp dont work and i find it ok for playing on. U can do away with ie without 2 much trouble as most updates are ie's securities anyway. later verynewbie