corrupt images all of a suddeen

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by mistycat, Oct 10, 2005.

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  1. mistycat

    mistycat Registered Member

    Jan 18, 2004
    After some pretty severe problems about 18 months ago with v. 7, all smoothed out and TI performed perfectly. 9 months later, I purchased a new computer and installed TI. Again, TI 7 ran great and I have never upgraded for that reason. About 2 weeks ago, it started to take several attempts within Windows to create a verifiable image. Now, I am unable to create any verefied image within Windows but there is no problem from the bootable cd and any verefied image restores either way (last restore-3 days ago). I assumed a conflict but, during this time, there were only 2 upgrades to various programs and 1 program installed and uninstalling this program and reinstalling TI didn't help. At the moment, this is an annoyance but I fear it may get worse, so it would be great if anyone can shed some light on this.Thanks
  2. Allen L.

    Allen L. Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004
    Just maybe you have some configuration changes due to spyware or a virus. *Something* has happened to affect the way your system is now working. I would run a complete virus and spyware check. Have you ran any registry cleaners lately that might have removed some valid entries? You might want to try and restore old registry deletions to check that issue. Make sure that the Acronis Scheduler2 service is running.

    Frankly over that much time, it could be anything. It *is* Windows, as you know.

    Last edited: Oct 10, 2005
  3. juto1

    juto1 Registered Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Hello to all ,Im new to this forum and Have been Reading Alot of the posts
    Regarding Corrupt Images That Can't Be Restord. This Is My Take, I Had the
    same Problem. I stated to use Ti8 And It Worked Like a CHarm For 8 months
    then started to get Corrupt Backup Files With the dos Restore with same configeration so didn't think the sysem was the problem so I started testing
    and found that the dvd drive was the problem, the laser lens was dirty so
    i opened the drive cleaned the lens with a kiutips put it all back then tryed
    the backup and it worked fine no problems . i have made and backed up
    about 6 times in different months without a problem.i had noticed that
    i was having problems reading some dvd's, so that is what made me do the
    cleaning. I tryed cleaning with a cd disk cleaner but it did nothing .
  4. mistycat

    mistycat Registered Member

    Jan 18, 2004
    Thanks for the replies. Acronis Scheduler2 is running and I don't think it can be a virus. A KAV scan shows nothing but will check for virus and spyware with other scans. And I am using a restored "clean format" (restored 3 days ago) from before the registry was ever cleaned. As far as the drive, doesn't cleaning only apply to cd/dvd image creations?
  5. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello mistycat,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Disk Backup Software.

    Well, I believe that the problem is related to a faulty hardware. Especially since everything worked fine for such a long time before on absolutely same system.

    If you store your images on the external hard drive then please try to create them to any internal or network drive in order to exclude the possibility of the faulty external hard drive. Please also update the drivers for your hardware. If that's not the case then I would also advice you to check your hardware (memory modules, hard drive cables, etc.) in the nearest service center.

    Thank you.
    Alexey Popov
  6. mistycat

    mistycat Registered Member

    Jan 18, 2004
    Well, it can't be an external drive because all images have always been stored on a 2nd internal drive. I have also installed the latest drivers with no change and a memory test was fine. I'll have the rest checked out, too. Thankyou
  7. mistycat

    mistycat Registered Member

    Jan 18, 2004
    It appears I was a little hasty. I can create images from within Windows now. Just not on every attempt, so it appears that the drivers were involved in some way. Thanks again Alexey.
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