Copyrights infringment in action !

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by MickeyTheMan, May 8, 2002.

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  1. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    This is totally disgusting !
    Someone trying to steal Paul Kirland's (spyblocker) work !

    It's not even out yet, and they've got the nerves to put a version 5.0 on it !

    Notice any similarities ?
  2. snowman

    snowman Guest


            you may recall..or perhaps Spy1 may...that somewhere around a couple of years ago a person accused spyblocker (PauL) of Paul responded that nither he nor that person had "invented" the was all posted at the spyblocker would this also apply to this case?

             copyright infringment certainly is ugly.....I went through one legal battle of my own with someone who tryed to infringe on one of my obviously I am strongly opposed to infringement.

             Mickey..this post is in the form of a "question" because I am wondering if Paul K..has any legal recourse ...according to his past statements....of not having invented the technology.

  3. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    Paul didn't hold the technology, true.
    But have you looked at the gif ?  This is only a modified screen of Spyblocker !
    There are many instant messaging programs with same technology, but no one can just copy one, change the name and issue it just like that.
    And yes, he has copyrights rights.  And they have been taken care of.  This Spy Killer will never see the light of day.
  4. snowman

    snowman Guest


           thanks for the reply.....I don't know the legal ins and outs on computer wasn't sure how that worked.

           since I don't use spyblocker I would not know how "look-a-like" these two programs are.

           appreciated your reply

  5. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    What was basically done is change the cover of a book and try to present the novel with a new title, just changing the names of the antangonists !
    Or try to get you to go to the movies and see The Titanic , but change movie title to : Vessel lost at Sea !
    Not acceptable, is it ?

    Is it not strange that someone would come out my new program and version 5.0 with it ?...Simply copycat...
  6. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    Liren Chen made pipip in his pants  and already removed .gif from his page.
    He now knows he's gona have to make much better than copycat to expect to get away with anything but the shirt on his back next time he tries anything like this again!
  7. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    lol you guys owe me money you used a period mark after your sentinces i have patent on it i bought the rights to proper puncution.

    your infringing on my copy right laws lol.

    yes thats how bad it is .

    its so bad  that my reply is copy right protected any modification  or edit or even erasing my reply is illigal.

    you cant even quote me or copy and paste this reply somewhere else its infringing on my copy right rights lol.

    thats how the new millinume copyright law works now and yes its that bad.
  8. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    MrBlaze, don't tell further, but we have copyrights on the 0 and 1 which is on which the computers run. Of course 0 and 1 are also symbol for male and female, so for being one of those you owe this patent money as well. You won't get nothing back but the content feeling of being legally something at all.
    And this is not even a quote from my Frog script in the make.
    BTW: patent pending for the letters n and e as most used in the dutch and english languages, so beware.
    I don't think this has anything to do with security and protection at all, btw.
  9. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    will thecopy right law is so bad that  im sure if a security app uses the same exact code technoligy as some one elses you can be liable now.

    befor you couldnt good example the im instant messageing utlitys

    the law the way it is the first guy to make one could sue everyone present day for copyright infringement.

    although its insain to file such an act it is possiable due to the way the new law is writen im suprise no one has try to capitlize present day.

    befor you wouldnt had have a case but now it is posiable.

    its like takeing a huge step backwards all those guys that didnt have a case befor do now lol.

    so thats what it has to do with security.

    the new law has  so many lope holes and poorly writen im suprise no one was smart enough to capitlize on it.

    there should be nuts comeing out of the wood work lol=)
  10. Rickster

    Rickster Guest

    Hey Mickey.  You say Kirkland has copyright(s) so he’s covered – and your analogy is correct.  Any prior remark he may have made concerning the technology is irrelevant.  Would be like challenging someone’s use of electricity because they didn’t invent the technology.  All he has to do is subject both programs to an independent “post-mortem” that concludes the nature of the new program is ostensibly cosmetic – and Kirland owns it and all revenues prior to judgment, plus interest and attorney fees.  Open and shut.  Later, Rickster
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