copy of c: not working

Discussion in 'Acronis Disk Director Suite' started by lucartl, Dec 29, 2005.

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  1. lucartl

    lucartl Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2005
    Hi there,

    nobody answer my previous post (missing hal.dll) not even Acronis, not good.

    But maybe I wasn't clear enough. Never mind sort that one out.

    This time I installed os selector and I made a copy of C:, restarted, tried to start the copy of C:, not a chance.

    Tried to use the os wizard o find new system, no way.

    What have I done wrong?

    Can please somebody tell me or address me to some in depth material?

    All I want to do is:

    Create a working copy of C: in another partition so I can use both of them using os selector.

    Move both of them to the right, because I want to have another partition at the beginning of my hard disk for a specific use.

    Create a a image on to a dvd, so to have a backup just in case.

    Create a rescue cd or dvd, so I can restore the image from there.

    I've got true image as well.

    Lots of questions? Yes, I know, but maybe if the help was a little bit more helpfull?

    Many Thanks.

  2. bodgy

    bodgy Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    I get a feeling copying to another partition may be the problem, as far as issuing drive letters are concerned if you are using XP.

    I had a problem where OS10 refused to pick up my 2K install.

    My remedy was --

    Deactivate OS10
    Uninstall OS10
    Run XP repair console option
    Run following ---- fixmbr you should get a warning message, that you have a faulty MBR
    Then run bootcfg /scan (note the space between the command and the switch option) as bootcfg chunks around finding your two OS installs add them to the menu list when asked.

    REBOOT when all is finished (no cd inserted) and you should get the standard Windows boot menu listing your OS's. Once booted in to your main OS, re-install OS10. It should now find you two partitions correctly. I would suggest hiding the two systems from each other, so that you can't accidently make alterations to the wrong one.

    Once this works - I'd then make an image of the complete drive structure

    Then start playing with DD10 and creating and moving partitions. I'd suggest making a separate backup after each action - this way you can always go back to what worked immediately before your latest tragedy.

  3. lucartl

    lucartl Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2005
    Hi Colin and thanks for taking time to answer.

    I can still see that there is a lot of people that is not getting any reply from Acronis.

    Mmmhh, not so good.

    I actually manage to do basically everything I wanted to do.
    I did cancelled my copy of C: and create a new C:, in a unallocated space, from a image of my first install of C:.

    Everything fine, except that I can only load up the image of C: using DDS10 switching the active flag, because OS10 doesn't recognizes it!!

    I run OS10 wizard few times but it refuse to find the image of C:, probably because I don't know how to use it.

    Is bootcfg /scan a command that you find on the XP install disk if you use it as repair console, is it?

    I can't actually run a repair because my laptop came only with cd's to recover an image of what was installed at the factory.

    I can load to dos with my disks but I don't know if that command is there.

    I'll check. Any way to get a copy of a repair console and make a bootable disk out of it? My old laptop came with the same set of disks as this one.

    I'm considering uninstalling OS10 and then reinstall it again.

    I tried once the fix mbr downloaded from an Acronis link but it caused me few headaches.

    I'm going to try deactivate OS, uninstall it, fix mbr disk, and then use my disks if they've have got bootcfg /scan in it.

    Oh, by the way, Thanks for the backup advice, but I found myself already few times on my knees swearing that I wouldn't use a computer,or fiddling around with it, anymore, for the rest of my life.

    So I've got images saved on DVD's,copy of partitions on a fire wire hd,rescue boot disks, rescue boot disks to rescue the boot disks, and a very understanding girlfriend, so far.But I'm sure I'll still manage to get in troubleo_O

    Many Thanks

  4. Nuihc

    Nuihc Guest

    I recommend using a boot manager named BootitNG. I have 3 copies of XP running
    "STANDARD" = just normal web, email, video and audio apps
    "GAMES" = all my games here
    "DEVELOP" = all my compilers etc.

    Their website is:

    Just follow their tutorial and it will explain how to keep each copy from
    screwing around with the others. Been running this since June 2004 with
    no problems.

    One thing though, I made sure my "F" drive was actually "F" on all copies
    and I then installed my trillian, email, and several other apps that I wanted
    to use in all three copies to "F". Works great!

    Good luck......
  5. lucartl

    lucartl Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2005
    Many Thanks!

    I'll try that.

  6. dpollock

    dpollock Registered Member

    Dec 19, 2005
    I have spent hours viewing posts on how to get two copies of XPSP2, just as you have done. It seems either very easy or very difficult. I am taking OS Selector out of the problem by using PQ boot which seems similar to your solution, it simply hides the partition not in use, and allows you to choose which to boot to.

    Does this seem right?
    Create a partition and install XP
    Create a second partition and make it hidden
    Restore TI image of first partition to second one and edit its boot.ini to show correct boot location

    1 Do I REALLY need to fiddle with MBR's or partition boot sectors?
    2 What about XP's Activation files - do they accept their 'new home'?

    I have been running dual partitions for years (one 'real' and one for testing new software) but with XP's Activation, I have had a hassle getting the second one activated when I did it the 'hard' way and manually installed a second time
  7. bodgy

    bodgy Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    Note you can tell OS10 to hide not in use partitions - this seems to be definitely needed if W2K is installed.

  8. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello all,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Partition and Disk Managing Software.

    Please accept my profound apologies for the delay with the response. I've missed this thread earlier somehow. I'm really sorry for this.

    lucartl, if you had copied your C: partition using Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.0 then you should add the appropriate changes into the boot.ini file of your first source C: partition. Please take a look at this article describing how to edit the boot.ini file.

    In case you had copied your operating system using Acronis OS Selector and it failed to detect the copy, then please create Acronis Report as it is described in Acronis Help Post and submit a request for technical support. Attach the collected report file to your request along with the link to this thread. We will investigate the problem and try to provide you with the solution.

    Yes, you are absolutely right.

    It is not necessary. You need to fix MBR only in case have some problems during the bootup process.

    I would like to recommend you to contact Microsoft Support Team on this matter.

    If you have any further questions please feel free to ask.

    Thank you.
    Kirill Omelchenko
  9. dpollock

    dpollock Registered Member

    Dec 19, 2005
    Thanks for the info - it all works just fine. With regard to the problem of WPA, there is a simple fix, but I bet everything I have that Microsoft don't really want to disclose it
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