I'm somewhat puzzled at the temperatures of my system after I overclocked before I did, my Idle temperatures were something on the region of 43-44 degrees. I increased the multiplier from x16 to x17.5 and the frequency from 200 to 205, and now the temperatures are a whole lot lower, which seems very perculiar to me would they not have risen, instead of fallen? the only other thing I did was to install 2 Thermaltake Thunderblade LED Fans, 1 at the front, and 1 at the side, and the case feels Icy Cold now, but surely the CPU tem woul still be higher with overclocking before OC I was 3.20GHz, After I am 3.50GHz http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/4408/85388493.jpg
If you installed fans to the case in between changes, I'd say that's why. Your overclock is 300 MHz I'm sure your fans can dissipate that extra heat without you noticing. Look at this way my smartphone has a 600 MHz CPU. Moreover, I have a 700 MHz overclock on my CPU and my idle temps didn't change much if any. This is a good thing and you should be happy.
Those look like good temps for your Phenom. If you already know this cool, if not hopefully it helps... Run a stress test with something such as OCCT for many hours (the longer the more likely to be stable) and if you don't get any errors and your core temp doesn't get over 62 your good to go. With OCCT you can set the stress test to stop the test if you get over a certain temp. My Phenom... http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2111047
Yeah, I agree. Understand it is the case's responsibility to provide cool air to the case interior. With two new fans, that is a lot of cool air the CPU fan now has to blast down at the heatsink.
its defo the extra fans. i have a 1.7ghz overclock on my cpu and the idle temp increased by only 5 degrees so a 300mhz increase would not even register with regards to temp