Concerning Regedit Microsoft

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Luna, Jul 24, 2002.

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  1. Luna

    Luna Guest

    I have a question to submit:

    Datas deleted in Regedit are really deleted o_O

  2. snowman

    snowman Guest


    welcome to the forum......

    an answer to your question is both yes and know....if you copied the information prior to the deletion in can be re-entered in many cases if you know where to properly put it....Or if you made a back up...which is always best when messing with the registry.
    by using a tool such as..say regcleaner a back up will be made automatically.....perhaps a better way of going.
    if none of the above was copy knowledge of where to properly make a correction in the no one to advised you where and what and how........thats a big OOPS!! I did this had to re-format or do without the windows program......
    perhaps if you list here your os and what was deleted someone may be able to offer help. An certainly wait for others to just perhaps better advise you.

  3. snowman

    snowman Guest

    typo correction

    should read: "the answer to your question is both yes and NO''


  4. snowman

    snowman Guest


    I am getting ready to shut down....before doing so just want to suggest that you wait for others to comment....I by far am not all that computer experiened.....( a computer dummy to be more to the point) do wait for other hey...hope this works out for you.

  5. YODA

    YODA Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    hi Luna,

    If you have windows 98, i know u can u might be able to recover from ur deleted regedit. Windows usually makes backup copies of the registry, so if u go to ms-dos..... type in "scanreg /restore" it might be able to restore previous entries of the last few times u or windows made backup copies to the registry. Maybe that will work and u can restore a previous copy..... if not u can try to type "scanreg /fix", i don't think thats will get back all ur deleted keys... If you have a newer OS than that I think ummm ME has restore setting..... where u can restore ur computer to a certain date.... i don't know much about just heard about it...hopes that works luna! ;)

  6. Luna

    Luna Guest

    Thanks snowman and Yod,

    The questions is simple: If I delete a key or a string value in the Registry Microsoft, is it really deleted id i don't made a back up.

    Second question; Is it possible to avoid that W98SE made a daily backup registry o_O?

    Thanks for your help
  7. FanJ

    FanJ Guest


    With respect to your second question:
    yes, it is possible:
    See the comment of Theodore Fattaleh, the creator of the back-up software ERS here:
  8. snowy

    snowy Guest


    simple questions do not always have simple answers that fit every user and every "honest" answer is somewhat more difficult to express not knowing the users experience...os...etc...
    some people may quickly say...yes,,its gone forever....some people may say that without a back up it can not be replaced....both answers would be correct in certain wrong in certain circumstances.

    I'll try to present an explanation:

    ok..I decide to modify the following;
    0011 00f2 0200 co da 00 00


    0022 00a3 0300 do 00 00 ( all faked numbers)

    ok,,say I made a mistake entering the second it does not work.......obviously it will have to be changed back to the first number.........if no backup was the first number is now totally could possibly be considered as "gone"......or just perhaps you know someone with the same os or program who is willing to look into their give you the correct you then could replace the everything works fine again......


    lets say you just wrote the first numbers on a piece of paper.....but did not make any actual could simply refer to the numbers of the everything works fine........
    so..if as you back up was made.......does your os have a means of restoring the lost registry I would have to honestly say that I can't someone more knowledgable in this area will have to answer...perhaps a person using your type of os....
    what I am expressing is that its not always a completely hopeless cause......if a newbes with very little no one to help..runs into such a situation there is a fair chance that the newbes will have no other option but to reformat
    now...lets say...refering again to the first number.....that the first number was deleted....lets say it was a complete accident......that it just happened somehow for whatever reason.......
    if a person knows where the deleted string was in the to locate that previous "place" then it could possibly be replaced..........if the person has no idea where the string was....or even what it belonged all I can say is that I would not want to be the one trying to locate it......there are a bunch of numbers in that there registry.....LOL.....keep in mind that a person still has to know the proper string know how to properly enter it.........if it was 0002 00 it could not be entered 000200
    I seriously doubt if any of this will actually answer your essence my guess is that you are wanting to know if there is a way Windows can automatically re-enter the deleted I will bow to the more knowledgable to answer.....I am just a rather feeble minded computer dummy trying to make it through the day...

    best of luck LUNA


    personally I suggest that only very experience users attempt changes to the registry.......many a good computers have gone the way of the dump because of improper registry no means of reformating
  9. snowy

    snowy Guest

    good golly miss mollie...surely I didn't just post all much be my illness...the fever burning my whats left of a brian......the snowman does not know that kind of stuff.

    snowman melting
  10. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    ;) Hi snowman! I have a nice big freezer right here. Don't you melt, okay? Think cool thoughts. I'd say you were feeling inspired. I'm no expert on the Registry either. I like to let sleeping dogs alone. I know some people who are experts on Windows. If they can't help you, no one can.

    It's called the Windows Support Center. Should help you out. Go to the Forum there, to ask your question. :)
  11. YODA

    YODA Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    hey prince.......

    even that site can help me out, I got a IE 6.0 brower prob...... heh i'm gona go check it out, keep up the good work prince ;)

    P.S. Take it easy prince... stop working so hard, lol :D

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