Computer keeps crashing

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by 5151, Aug 11, 2003.

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  1. 5151

    5151 Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2003
    I have an older Pentium ll on whcih I have a lot of useful info and use as a secondary computer.
    Recently after about half hour the computer shuts down on me I have checked the power settings and there is nothing to indicate power save and I have it programmed not to shut down at all.
    I now get the following message:

    Attention on signal check input signal connection or follow power save mode has been enable.

    This makes no sense to me and I have to wait a couple of hours before I am able to get system on again when it works for a while and then crashes and I get above message.
    I checked for viruses but appears to be clean.

    PS How does one post continuing messages on the same threat as I would like to thank parties that respond.
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    That is an odd error to be sure... :doubt:

    Based just upon what's posted it sounds hardware / firmware related at first. What do you mean that you "have to wait a couple of hours before I am able to get system on again "? What happens when you try to use it. It won't power up at all until time has passed?

    That condition makes it sound like hardware - perhaps even a heat problem. But, unfortunately, this is not my area of expertise so let's see what other have to say.

    >> "How does one post continuing messages on the same threat as I would like to thank parties that respond?"

    All you need to do is when you are reading this thread, just hit either of the "reply" buttons on this page (at the top or bottom of this thread). Your reply will get added to the end when you post it.
  3. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Also, can you give us all your system specifics? What version of Windows are you running? Is this a laptop? Do you have any Power Management functions running on the system (look in Control Panel > for a "Power" relate icon)? Hardware model?

    Edit: Oops, somehow missed that you had checked power management already.
  4. Dan Perez

    Dan Perez Retired Moderator

    May 18, 2003
    Sunny San Diego

    Where/how are you getting that message. The first part seems like the message you would get from the monitor when it detects no video data input. I just want to confirm that it is not some error you see in the Windows GUI.

    Also, have you been using that other PC continuously past the time that it started occuring? What I mean is, have you noticed this issue only when you took it out of the garage where it sat for 6 months or has it been frequently used?

    Have you had any power issues in that room? You might want to look into that PC's BIOS to see if any power settings are enabled (or have you?, it is unclear from your description if you checked the power settings in only one of software or hardware or in both)


  5. BlitzenZeus

    BlitzenZeus Security Expert

    Feb 11, 2002
    Oregon, USA
    Here's something that might apply to your system, or it might not.
  6. 5151

    5151 Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2003
    I have to wait for an hour or so before computer (not laptop) powers up.
    The most annoying thing is that just before download is complete it shuts down and I have to start download all over again.

    How do I post response to threat after question the way you did after each inquiry a direct response was posted so it is clear to see what it pertains to?
  7. Dan Perez

    Dan Perez Retired Moderator

    May 18, 2003
    Sunny San Diego
    o_O Not sure what you mean here o_O
  8. 5151

    5151 Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2003
    In the body of the text of the message a response can be inserted e.g you can place a message right here; how can I do that in a messages on forum so that they correspond to question asked?
  9. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Is the text box right above this sentence what you are talking about? (The "quote" section above?) It includes the text of a previous message so you can directly respond to it in your post...

    If so, you do this by selecting the "quote" button that is located inside the specific post you want to refer to. The quote button is inside every post here in this thread in the upper right corner of the posts.

    Instead of hitting a "reply" button, you hit the specific "quote" button... It gives you a normal Post Reply screen, but, pre-fills in the entire contents of the other person's post, which you can trim down, if you only want to refer to a small part of their post.

    If you do quote text, be sure to leave the beginning and ending quote tags in place, that is what makes a quote box work. They are similar to this: ['quote] and [/'quote] except I had to add these ' characters to prevent them from becoming a real quote box while explaining this here. Also, be sure to place your comments on a line after the closing [/'quote] tag, so that your text is not included inside the quote box.

    Does that answer the question?
  10. B. Shaw

    B. Shaw Guest

  11. JimIT

    JimIT Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2003
    Denton, Texas
    I agree with LWM. This could be heat-related.

    5150, based on the info you've given, I would inspect the power supply to make sure the exhaust fan is turning at a high rate of speed--like an airplane propeller--fast! If you have a case fan, I'd make sure that is working, also. Make sure the case is not sitting on carpeting, etc. and intake/exhaust vents are not blocked.

    Is the on-screen error message consistent? Do you get the same one every time this happens? Have you noticed a "hot" odor from the computer?

    If the machine has been sitting "idle" for a while, there may be a pretty thick buildup of dust on the components in the case, which you can blow out with compressed air designed for use with computer components.

    I'd try this first and see if it helps.

    Good luck!
  12. helo

    helo Guest

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