Comodo Internet Security Screen Shots

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by 3xist, Aug 12, 2008.

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  1. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    Here are some screen shots for CIS...


    Attached Files:

  2. pykko

    pykko Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    Romania...and walking to heaven
    These are too little to see anything...
    Anyway, it resambles very much with Comodo firewall's GUI.
    Any release date?
    What does it contain ?
  3. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    Yeah I know they are too small. Melih posted them on the forums, You need to be registered to see the Screen Shots.;msg187835#new

    Basically, in the screen shot "Anti virus" tab has been added on the main GUI (Think of the CFP 3 GUi), CIS has ANTIVIRUS between "SUMMARY" and "FIREWALL" Above "Network Defense", "Virus Defense" has been added, showing the status of CAV3, its signatures, and last scan date. What does CIS include? Everything in CFP 3 (Including Defense+), And the up and coming CAV 3 (MUCH MUCH improved detection, reduced memory foot print, & will have same GUI as CFP 3, Which is kinda nice. BOClean technology is also built into CAV3 to improve the detection further, including heuristics, etc.

    I suspect CIS & CAV3 should be released very soon. Yes, there will be a stand a lone CAV 3 & All 3 products (CFP 3, CAV3 & CIS) Will all be maintained by the teams. :)

    This will be the first free security suite... Comodo Memory Firewall is yet to be integrated.
  4. pykko

    pykko Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    Romania...and walking to heaven
    that's a good news. I hope it will be out in less then a month.
    I want to give it a try.

    Oh, I've read that thread. I trully hope its detection rates and system impact will be awesome.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  5. tetsuo55

    tetsuo55 Registered Member

    Aug 12, 2008
    Looks interesting

    It would be great if comodo combined:
    Memory firewall
    Comodo verification engine

    Into 1 single application with a single gui. This would lower the combined footprint by definition. All it needs is a webguard that scans for malicious/malformed scripts and blocks phising and virus sites through a proxy and we have complete layered security in a single application

    although with that comes the danger that the malware only needs to fool that 1 application(but also ALL of its layers)
  6. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    Just a quick Update:

    BOClean won't be intergrated untill the version after the first final version off CIS & CAV 3 (yep, BOClean will be in both CAV3 & CIS), So if you have Comodo BOClean, and your using CAV3/CIS you won't need the stand a lone BOClean anymore (Kevin does an awesome job). So the beta or final wont have BOClean (Signatures, detections, etc). Comodo Memory Firewall will be integrated eventually into CIS, But hey it's a very sophisticated piece of code and will take time.

    As for other Comodo products be integrated? Thats in planning :) Already talking about Comodo Disk Shield being integrated into CIS! :) All the stuff being integrated, will be optional so what you don't want you can uncheck at installation! (Eg in near future, you don't want diskshield, you can uncheck it, etc). CIS Will be the first "optional" free security suite, where things will be installed in different combination's, etc.

    Should be a week or so before public beta. Currently in QA. More info @ Forums.
  7. pykko

    pykko Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    Romania...and walking to heaven
    Thank you for the heads-up. :)
  8. nomarjr3

    nomarjr3 Registered Member

    Jul 31, 2007
    Wow that is just simply AWESOME!

    A complete all-in-one security suite free of charge!
    Of course, we shoud all test the product before we give a final say.
  9. jrmhng

    jrmhng Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2007
    How much better is the AV component of the suite? What changes have been made since the last version?
  10. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    The AV Component? Okay I'll explain that...

    CAV2 (Comodo Antivirus 2) wasn't "good enough" (Hence it didn't even go into a production release as most know it is still beta), The Detection wasn't good... The engine wasn't good, Even Melih (CEO) said it wasn't good enough. CAV3 has been re built from scratch (So its not like they played with the CAV2 code, they completely re-written it), and world leading engineers have joined the AV team to help build CAV3, and the AV Team has expanded over time with more good guys... In 2009 Melih says CAV3 will be ready to challenge other AV's in tests (NOD32, Kaspersky, etc etc...), So we will wait and see!

    CAV3 has a brand new GUI (Like CFP 3 & CIS). It has more advanced heuristics, over 50 unpackers, and REALLY fast on-access scanning and on-demand scanning! Comodo has an AV Scanner online (And the engine is CAV3), you should see how FAST it is. Other improvements are much reduced memory usage, Detection at memory-level (kernel), and file level, and a NEW Comodo AntiMalware Analysis System which files get submitted through, that a user suspects to be malware, and if is malware then it will be added to the AV Database. So the AV Team has improved, more malware researchers (Global researchers in China, Ukraine, US, etc).

    Anyway. CIS is a starting point. CFP 3 will still be stand a lone (good thing). Also after CIS launch, Sandboxing+Threatfire will be built into CFP 3 (or/and CIS... I'm not sure) Which will reduce the # of pop ups!

    So you can expect Great improvements in CAV3. Will be released as a quick beta first, And I said before it's in QA. :)
  11. Victek

    Victek Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    Well, I don't particularly like the CFP 3 GUI, but I don't think security applications need to win beauty pageants :cool: I will definitely take it out for a test drive when it hits the streets if it looks promising.
  12. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    Bigger Screen Shots :)

    Attached Files:

    • av1.PNG
      File size:
      57.2 KB
    • av3.PNG
      File size:
      20.9 KB
  13. jrmhng

    jrmhng Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2007
    I hope this becomes a good free alternative. However I am only really interested in the AV. Is it quick? Will it be submitted to av tests (i.e. more than the basic certifications)?
  14. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    In the next 12 months the AV will be competing with the compition in tests and certs and stuff. However CAV3 is an major improvement over CAV2 by a long shot!

    The Scanning is very quick. The Current Comodo online scanner (Which uses CAV3) Scans about 20,000 files in 2-3 mins.
  15. demonon

    demonon Guest

    Any plans on involving BOClean with CIS?
  16. pykko

    pykko Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    Romania...and walking to heaven
    I trully hope the AV will reach more then 50 % as the current detection rates go...
  17. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    Yes, BOClean will be built into both CAV3 & CIS (Expanding detection rate further) But not in the up coming builds. BOClean will be in the version after the final version is released.
  18. demonon

    demonon Guest

    Ok, because of all the Comodo products BOClean is my favourite:thumb:
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