COMODO Internet Security 3.5 BETA Released

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by doktornotor, Sep 11, 2008.

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  1. doktornotor

    doktornotor Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2008
  2. JamesFrance

    JamesFrance Guest

    I wouldn't have noticed it was there.

    I hope it is doing something as it is so quiet.
  3. clocks

    clocks Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2007
    I really like it so far. I just wonder what the detection rates are. I figure it will take them some time to improve in that area.
  4. pykko

    pykko Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    Romania...and walking to heaven
    Very nice GUI , low system impact, great firewall, fast scanning speed (for antivirus), but poor detection rates for it.
  5. doktornotor

    doktornotor Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    How exactly did you test this? (Note - this is NOT CAVS 2.0 engine).
  6. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    Hi Guys.

    Yes it is "quiter" Because of the Antivirus infrastructure. Also you will notice in Defense+\Advanced\Defense+ Monitor Settings, Some are not ticked like normal CFP 3, Because again, AV Covers it. Also reduces pop ups, Without sacrificing security thx to the AV.

    Defense+ will still help prevent though! So what CAV 3 misses (Built into CIS), D+ will Prevent. Melih saids Detections will improve over next 12 months, and hopefully be on top (According to him). Remember this is only BETA & the starting of CIS. Also the world's first free Security Suite totally integrated & architected.

    And CAV 3 is built into cmdagent.exe - Still only 2 processes. :)
  7. tetsuo55

    tetsuo55 Registered Member

    Aug 12, 2008
    There currently are not heuristics, but there should be a database of all malware submitted.
  8. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    Making CFP 3 more quiet is COMODO's first step in usability!

    Don't forget CAMAS (Comodo Automated Malware Analysis System) identifies malware using heuristic which will help (over 40,000 files submitted). :) Heuristics will be built in later, so will CAMAS, It will drastically improve detection rates.

  9. Wunibald

    Wunibald Registered Member

    Sep 9, 2008
    Hmmmm... A free suite. Interesting.
  10. Macstorm

    Macstorm Registered Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    Sneffels volcano
    Can anyone post some screenshots please? the comodo forum wants me to register first but i'd rather not at the moment.
  11. SystemJunkie

    SystemJunkie Resident Conspiracy Theorist

    Mar 3, 2006
    As always I think. I assume they need at least 3-4 years to get better av rankings. I will give it a try soon.
  12. saberfox

    saberfox Former Poster

    Jul 23, 2008
    I just gave it a whirl, and the AV is as bad as ever. Threw some old samples that had 80-90% detections at VirusTotal, and CAVS failed to catch every one. The HIPS did pop up a few alerts when I tried to run some of them, but it could only cripple them halfway (perhaps because I left it at default settings?), it was ThreatFire that stepped in and quarantined them all.
  13. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    Don't forget this is still beta, Detections will continue to improve over the next 12 months.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2008
  14. Kyle1420

    Kyle1420 Registered Member

    May 27, 2008

    Your tests are not accurate if you use other security applications, It is very likely to cause conflict. Also as Josh said - Detections will increase.

    This is very new - Don't expect CAVS3 to detect 99% of viruses right now.

    And yes if you configure Defense+ correctly (takes 2 minutes) you have a very tight system.. Saved me a few times when dling from P2P. (I was in sandbox So I would of lived anyway :p)
  15. Macstorm

    Macstorm Registered Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    Sneffels volcano
    Thanks for the screenies, Josh :thumb:
  16. eBBox

    eBBox Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2006
    Aalborg, Denmark
    Im really looking forward for this - See good potential in this suite. Will definatly help testing and improving it :thumb:

    And btw. All av's have bad rates in the beginning, Kasperky, Norton, McAfee & so on all were"sucky" once. But hard work made them good and the same will happen here i hope :)
  17. virtumonde

    virtumonde Registered Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    I wish Comodo Team the best in their efforts of providing this free suite.
    I 've seen a feature that looks great for browser protection.Anyone knows when it will be integrated?
  18. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    Here is the CIMA (Comodo Instant Malware Analysis). (Yes not Automated changed to Instant for Public Release).

    This System will eventually be integrated into CIS too. Anyway try the above link... put some files through. :) Doing that and your pretty much part of the AV Researcher Team for COMODO. :)
  19. Kyle1420

    Kyle1420 Registered Member

    May 27, 2008
    Ahh yes. Well Melih has a team for each "Component" So the Av has a team of devs, D+ has a team of devs etc, They aren't swapping jobs.
    Right now I assume that Melih is very busy with so much development going on.
    Probably the best thing to do is ask him, I'll ask him myself in a week or so when he's not so busy. (By the way my name Is Kyle on comodo forums)

    If he gets that system running soon (probably real soon) the malware detection base will increase very fast..It will be going after the malware, rather then waiting for it to attack and put signature.
    The more people that help in the testing the better! He seriously has his head screwed on the right place guys.

    ;; As CIS matures he will have a team developing a "Memory" Scanner that will be intergrated into CIS, When you browse a site.. get an email etc.. Files are either written on memory or your hard disk. So this rules everything out.. No webshield, no Email scanner etc. Every file is either scanned on memory or disk.
  20. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    We also have Site Inspection Technology to be integrated (Yep... Site Scanning!!!).
  21. saberfox

    saberfox Former Poster

    Jul 23, 2008
    Comodo has been singing the same old tune for years, i.e. just wait for the next version, we'll have new this technology, improved that feature, the best thing since sliced bread, even though we're absolute cr@p right now. This tired old mantra hasn't changed even with version 3 which is supposedly far superior, but is nothing but the same old.

    I'll believe Comodo's talk when I see them actually perform, instead of just relying on the hype generated from their firewall taking top place in a completely irrelevent firewall test (aka Matousec).
  22. Fajo

    Fajo Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008

    Even Comodo's mod's on the forum say Matousec is a pointless test only in it for the money. but they do give a link to a much better test. I think Kyle posted it awhile back maybe he will post it again.
  23. virtumonde

    virtumonde Registered Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Thanks.Now it seems only AV&DEfence Plus.When more features are added and if the mem usage will remain low it will be a great product and hopfully will be easy to understand with all these features,although i assume they will be integrated in D+ & CAV,and not as separate modules

    This is great.Similar to sunbelt sandbox,or threat expert and has also a verdict which is really useful as some system changes are too hard to understand.
  24. Kyle1420

    Kyle1420 Registered Member

    May 27, 2008
    Please look here;;msg145935#msg145935

    Hey Sabre Are you referring to firewall testing or the testing of The HIPS? If you have a virtual machine seriously try Defense+ out for your self in Safe Mode.. and try it against real malware. As for the firewall, It's very effective. There are predefined rules you can use not to respond to incoming requests.
    But ofcourse you can just look at GRC to see if your ports are shielded and closed.

    Hope this helps, Keep the comments coming :)
  25. Kyle1420

    Kyle1420 Registered Member

    May 27, 2008
    Of course mem usage will be low! 3 components, CFP3,CAVS and defense+ use under 3m of memory combined. I've seen it go as low as 1mb before.

    All products will be offered as stand-alone and also as modules you can add to the CIS suite for maximum customization.
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