
Discussion in 'malware problems & news' started by Rico, Jul 31, 2020.

  1. Rico

    Rico Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Thanks to my education from Wilders, I got pretty good at rescuing, malware infected machines.

    Retired & my wife's dear friend made an exception.

    The machine booted, & was normal for about 10 - 15 seconds. Then painfully slow!

    I did, bleach bit, ADW cleaner, EEK (Emsisoft), 5 or 6 pup's. Slow, Autoruns what's using mem.

    WD antivirus, + WebrootSecure & McAfee, all showed up on auto runs.

    I'm thinking conflict & McAfee & Webroot do not show in "programs & features", I'm thinking butchered uninstall.

    Run RogueCleaner found one pup. Hail Mary sys restore, no luck. Could not find a Webroot uninstaller, DL McAfee uninstaller, it found the broken program & 8 hours later, not budging.

    Msconfig chose diagnostic start, upon boot pin #broken, offered to make new pin FAIL, M$ account password, she does not have it. Use her name at M$ account & chose 'forgot password'. I changed her password, from my machine, logged on to the account, closed. Went to the sick machine & user or password Fail.

    Her deceased husband, I found out later, tried many malware programs, & did not delete correctly. She then spilled liquid on the machine, & BestBuy put all the pre-eixting problems onto the new machine. Next she takes to a neighbor & makes it worse.

    Next without pin or valid password stuck in diagnostic welcome screen. Shift+restart, try to refresh windows, chose primary partition. 'Next' grayed or no go.

    reboot shift+restart, primary partition delete > refresh & re-install the OS

    Unhappy lady, demo her properly working new machine, showed her internet. Next day I can't get on the internet, you need your WIFI password, fail. Much later she says now my iPhone can't connect. Please give me name & model # or your router. I read the manual & WPS button, she said she pushed the button, but holding it, = factory reset. Ah Ha no wonder password does not work.
    She says, I'm tired OK, I'll call you in the morning. She went to Wal*Mart bought new router. I said plug ethernet cable to laptop type netgears url in the browser & change the pass. Bye

    Later msg my new router is working fine.

    From now on unless your blood, sorry call Geek Squad.

    long story mainly looking for where I might have gone wrong, or better way or evaluation

    Thanks Guys (sorry this is like a book)
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