Collapsed replies

Discussion in 'Forum Related Discussions' started by Cosmo32, Mar 20, 2007.

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  1. Cosmo32

    Cosmo32 Guest

    For the last 4 days, I've been viewing various threads. I have noticed that most threads contain squashed/collapsed replies that I can NOT expand to read. Is there a problem in the forum server? Or, might there be something in my user CP that I forgot to set?

    Yes, I do suppose I might be infected with something, but NOD32 says I am clean. Wondering? I do use IE6sp1 mostly locked down tight.
  2. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Do you have a link to a thread where you have noticed this ?

    Just to make sure....these weren't posts that a member might have deleted which then would appear to be "squashed/collapsed replies". They also would say "This message has been deleted by"
  3. Cosmo32

    Cosmo32 Guest

    Yes, collapsed replies just like the own you offered @1437. Hmm :(
  4. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Could you post a screen image of what you are seeing so we'll know better what it might be?
  5. Cosmo32

    Cosmo32 Guest

    Another collapsed reply from you @1710. I must be haunted!
  6. Cosmo32

    Cosmo32 Guest

    Here is my try at a screen print of this problem. Hope it makes the trip(?)

  7. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    I've never seen that kind of issue before... some kind of sizing issue, probably how your browser is interpreting the style sheets that provide data on the size of boxes, tables, and the like. I assume you tried the usual... a full close down of the browser, entirely deleting all cache (css sheets, javascript and other items are cache besides images and text), and returning to the forum fresh and clean. Other than that, I'm not sure what else it might be.

    You could always get an alternate browser, Firefox or Opera, as I doubt the problem will follow you from IE to one of those unless it really is an infection of some sort deliberately blocking content somehow.
  8. Cosmo32

    Cosmo32 Guest

    LowWaterMark & Bubba,
    I might have fixed it. Yes, I just finished reading your replies of 1437 and 1710 in full glory. :D
    Yes, I also did all the usual "Windows" dance steps too!
    Just got back from a forced machine nap. Went and checked my CP. Way down at the bottom I found something called "Forum Skin" and it was set to "--FullScreen800." I do not recall selecting this. I set it back to "UseForumDefault", and all seems to be back to what I recall 5 days ago.
    I'll monitor, but believe this glitch may be gone.

    Am I correct that the "Threaded Mode" and "Hybrid Mode" of forum view are now disabled? The help sheet mentions these 2 view modes, but I do not see them on my CP. No, not looking for more trouble! Just wondering.
    Thank you so much! :D
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