Cloning to a larger Drive with Partitions

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by PeteCal, Oct 2, 2008.

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  1. PeteCal

    PeteCal Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2008
    Buffalo NY
    Well, I thought this would be a simple process. It didn't work and I searched the forums and everything seems more complex than what I want to do so here goes.

    I have a 111G drive that I want to replace with a 500G drive. I would like to partition the 500G drive into two "drives". One which is a clone of the 111G and is maybe 200G in size. The other I would like to be a drive of (500-200)=300G.

    First I used TI ( to make the two primary FAT32 partitions. Then I tried the clone process and TI deleted the partition. I ended up with a single 500G partition.

    I repeated the process but with just one partition and the 300G left unallocated. Same result.

    So I tried to partition after the clone process and was informed that the files would be deleted.

    What is the simplest way for me to do what I want to do?

    Thanks In Advance.

  2. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    You want to restore an image of your partition. You can restore it, expand the partition to 200 MB and then start Windows. Use Windows Disk Managment tools to partition the remaining unallocated space however you want.

    In TI terminology, and I don't think it is bad, a clone means exactly that - make a duplicate of your existing drive. The duplicate means the same number of partitions and one of the first things it does, as you found out, is delete the old partition layout. TI will not clone a single or multiple selected partitions, only the whole drive.

    Have a look at:

    GroverH's guides have helped a lot of people.
  3. PeteCal

    PeteCal Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2008
    Buffalo NY
    Got you. Thanks. I'll try that.
    My existing backup is a bit long, maybe 6 or 7 incrementals.

    I think I'll take the time to do a fresh backup of the 111G.

    Then I guess I boot from CD and restore it to the new drive. Can I designate where the restore goes or will TI force me to the original drive. If so I guess I remove the 111G before booting.
  4. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    TI will look at all your drives and let you select where to put it. OTOH, if you remove your original you know you have a perfect, secure backup (the original) in case of a screwup or other problem and after all, you need to swap it anyway. You can go through the wizard and near the end it will ask you if you want to restore another partition. You can go back and this time select the MBR and Track 0 and then proceed through the wizard again. It is reported this is not necessary but this is how you do it if you end up missing the MBR on reboot. You can't select the MBR and your partition archive at the same time in the restore wizard.

    Just a Caution:
    The TI bootable rescue CD is Linux and drive letters are often not assigned the way they are in Windows. You do want to call the new one C (assuming that is where you have Windows) regardless, if given the chance to select a letter. Experienced TI users put meaningful labels on all their partitions to avoid confusion with letters.
  5. PeteCal

    PeteCal Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2008
    Buffalo NY
    The method described worked perfectly. I didn't need the MBR. I identified the drives by their size.


  6. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Glad it worked out well for you.
  7. PeteCal

    PeteCal Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2008
    Buffalo NY
    Yeah, one of the few times when working against Windows.
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