Around this forum it has been mentioned that CHX-I does not work with IPV6. What would happen if a rule was made allowing incoming Ethernet type "Other" "86dd"?
Hi Diver, I have not checked any firewall for IPV6 filtering, mainly as I have not looked for updated packet creation programs (I will have to look). So just a comment:- Placing a rule to allow ethernet 86dd (IPV6), which may actually need a force allow rule for the inbound, should allow that Ethernet type, but unless a packet filter is setup to actually filter such packets then the packets will be allowed regardless of header info/content.
Stem, I was afraid that would be the answer. Fortunately, the need to run IPV6 is probably a year or 2 in the future & by that time this particular XP powered notebook will be replaced by the latest and greatest something or other. -Diver
It is used now by various servers. As a simple example, users of Vista will have IPV6 outbound on boot (with default installation of that os) to MS servers, unless you change the installation. There will be a number of problems during this reconstruct, certainly with firewalls, I will sit back and see the outcome. Regards - stem