Chakra GNU/Linux 2012.04 Released

Discussion in 'all things UNIX' started by TheKid7, Apr 17, 2012.

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  1. TheKid7

    TheKid7 Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2006
    Chakra GNU/Linux 2012.04 was released.
  2. linuxforall

    linuxforall Registered Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Yep and it gets better with age.As mentioned, they have removed GUI update and install manager called appset-qt because it couldn't handle dist upgrades so everything is CLI for now except for Bundle Manager for GTK apps which remains same as before. Thankfully installation via CLI in Arch based Pacman is a breeze. All latest stuff including nvidia and ati catalyst as well as latest KDE apps are there, for those running Chakra, its just a simple sudo pacman -Syu and you are fully updated to latest. For those concerned with automatic update notification, there is tray app specifically for that.

    They have also added Jupiter on CCR for those running laptops and it runs fine there as well. All in all, you get regular latest KDE and kernel updates tested thoroughly, Chakra is a true democracy in all terms, no bosses there, everyone and anyone contributing is a team player so features and bugs can be sorted out fast. This as I said before will be the best KDE distro out there.
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