both statements are true. The webmaster can have em if he likes, I will block them. I will change the channel on my TV during a commercial too (or just mute it) unless it is a Moslon-Canadian beer commercial (they are tooooo funny!). We look forward to new commercials from them.
Yeah I'm glad Uni posted before I read this hehe makes perfect sense, cause of course they have a right to host advertising, but then not when they use malicious forms... I too will block any that I can
I agree that both statements are true, but if I have to choose one or the other, I reserve the right!!! Regards, Kent
So, what if advertising revenue dries up? Many worthy sites (such as security sites) will close. Should we not support what are effectively charities? Could we accept M$ charging more for their products and services when their advertsising income disappears? Our we shooting ourselves in the foot when we block ads?
we are a very insignificant percentage of total internet users. The masses get all the ads. No harm done. If a site sells products, that will pay for the site. If they sell a service, that will pay for the site. If they are non-profit like this one, donations will be needed. People pay good coin for an ad-blocker when they could have paid the sites they like so they don't need ads. All other sites that nobody deems worthy will die. Bandwidth will get cheaper. Homepages that you get with your internet connection are already paid for, so they stay. I am just tired of ads, I paid $9.25 canadian to see Star Wars II. I got to watch 10 minutes of commercials IN THE THEATER anyway! This is bullsh!t, companies use ads for extra revenue even if they don't need it. If a product cannot sell itself, then it should die. Obviously no one wants it. If this site couldn't find enough people to support it, it would have to scale back its services. This is common business practice.
not being a member I will not vote...however may I offer a comment please. we have long been paying for the internet.....much..much more than ever was necessary...just look at the net profits of lets say doubleclick.....the ads greatly profited only the few not that mass........websites sold their souls for pennies while the spies made billions. ads are not intheirselfs bad....just a means of it got out of control because of greed. further bringing what will be the eventual downfall of ads are the spieing...tracking...selling of personal down will go the websites that have supported such spieing.....the sooner the better. the industry has failed to supervise has brought the contempt of the very people it needs to in desperation the industry would have consumers believe that the internet wont survive as a free service........double bullsh! when the time it will...when a money charge will try to be levy.......remember the spies...they totally took advantage of the internet and people.....drowned us with spy ads...cookies...etc.......its because of the spies that many people can stand let the industry clean up its own mess....are the the industry as a whole pay for the spys. snowman
Snowman, you could be a member (without registering) if you want to be. Just say that you're interested and I'll tell you how.
Not until you give me back my IP! Actually, if web advertising died, would that mean the $$$ would go back into television?
Checkout most assuredly I am interested.....right now it looks like I'll be going into the hospital.....will know in a few way or the please....may I get back to you on this? the the hold-up Unicron....LOL... what banner....there is no banner LOL.....hey...remember the topic..LOL no ads
Checkout imo net advertising will never die.....for numerous research shows more money being spent to find new way to spy.....not ads die. in the US..has anyone noticed that there are more ads on tv lately.....well there is....more time being allotted for ads.......the same thing was tryed nearly 25 years ago...had to be settled in court...
Checkout thank you sincerely...I most appreciate..... that darn food poisoning nearly took me out....having problems other complications....the doctor is having a fit because I refuse to go to the hospital......
Ads don't bother me much. If I'm on an interesting site with ads, I'll click them and let them load in the next tab while I read the page. Popups/popunders and dhtml monstrosities on the other hand, those are filtered. Popups are just obscene and they're driving people who otherwise wouldn't bother to install adblockers. FYI, I think this board doesn't like Mozilla. It never lets me vote.
I really don't think we have to worry about advertising dollars drying up. I'm beginning to believe it is advertising that will eventually run the world and determine what we do every day. (I'm a sci-fi freak)
amen to that brother. MS spends 1 frickin billion promoting the x-box and people are worried about advertising going out of style lol.
An essential part of freedom is the ability, the power and right to say, "NO" and make it stick. I have some radical ideas about advertising, but before I get into that...I remember a study conducted at Stanford University back in the 60's. They discovered that 75% of people will do as they are told. That kind of expirement is totally illegal to conduct now, but it's a real eye opener 25% of people will make their own decisions. The whole principle of our current advertising is to tell you what to buy. Repeating the message acts like mental programming. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ for my radical ideas, big advertisers often sponsor some kind of cultural activity. Much of their investment is tax deductible. What if the smaller advertisers were to group together to provide a benefit to their communities while still getting people to notice them? It would beat the crap out of all the spam we get and they wouldn't get turned off so much. Seeking mutually beneficial solutions to problems is part of my regular job.