Capsa setup for dummies :)

Discussion in 'Colasoft Free Network Tools' started by gwmbox, Jan 1, 2012.

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  1. gwmbox

    gwmbox Registered Member

    May 19, 2008
    HI all, I know this is a lot to ask for but Capsa is such a big application capable of doing so much it is rather confusing a bit trying to set it up to do the more simple of tasks :)

    I am looking for a guide which will enable me to setup Capsa on our local networked computers here at home (5 Desktop PC's and 1 Laptop) so that Capsa only records and reports on non local traffic. I am wanting to have a complete and detailed log of all Internet traffic for each PC with details of what is using the data and also when.

    I am totally unsure what network protocols and other settings to use and apply to accomplish this.

    If anyone could give me a readme or guide to do this please, or point me to the wiki page or manual page already available to do this, it would be very much appreciated.


  2. Colasoft Support

    Colasoft Support Colasoft Moderator

    Dec 6, 2007
  3. gwmbox

    gwmbox Registered Member

    May 19, 2008
    Thanks for the reply and I am reading and 'trying' to understand it. I am not sure what you mean by 'capture packets in your network structure'. Like I said this is all above me, I am reading and trying to understand but it is not easy if you are not use to this type of software network solution.

    Basically what I want to do is ONLY log traffic that is 'outside' of our local network, i.e. data up and down from the Internet.

    Our set-up is fairly basic (see image), we have a Broadband Wireless modem that is connected to an 8 port switch for all our wired devices to connect to. The Broadband modem also has wifi which allows our other wireless devices to connect to the Internet and our network as well. 5 PC's connect to the switch plus also a local NAS (FreeNAS) server and HP printer. We then have a laptop that connects via wifi and also our Foxtel and our xbox360 connecting via wifi also.

    We have a very limited broadband quota and I am in need of tracking our Internet usage to identify where data is being used most, where to and from and the time of the day. I do not want local traffic captured as that is local and has no affect on our Internet connection account data.

    If you can provide me with a quick how to do that it would be helpful not only to me but many others as well.


    Last edited: Mar 21, 2012
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