Can't uninstall PE

Discussion in 'Port Explorer' started by Harold77, Mar 1, 2003.

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  1. Harold77

    Harold77 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2003
    Does anyone else have this problem with Port Explorer... I installed the PE Demo and after I uninstalled it using Add/Remove in the XP Control Panel, when it rebooted, I had lost all connection to the internet... I had to reinstall it to get back on-line.

    My firewall, LNS 2.04 normally shows whether or not I'm connected to the internet and my IP address, but after uninstall the connected box is unchecked, my nic is missing under Options/Network Interfaces and the IP address is changed.

    Exactly what changes to Win XP does Port Explorer make which breaks my system after I uninstall it?

    Is this a normal operation of PE that it can never be uninstalled?

    *edit Jason* Just corrected the spelling of the topic
  2. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    Hi Harold77,

    While waiting for someone from DCS to respond, could you try the following:
    Download the LSPfix from:
    Then Uninstall PE and run the LSPfix.
    Let us know if this helps. I´m sure that would help the developers in figuring this out.


  3. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    Hi Harold77,
    this is complete new to me.
    There have been recommendations to first install PE and after the FW because of the layered protection and both could be fighting for some systemfiles, but if this counts for your LnS too i'm not sure.

    Normally it's recommended to use the uninstaller from the PE directory, reboot to free the dll and delete it. Not sure if an XP needs the reboot but that's extra security just in case.
    In the full version i run the installer does automatically uninstall the current installation before installing the full version.
    Hope your download problem for the full version is solved soon, including your internet connection.
  4. Harold77

    Harold77 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2003
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    Well, lspfix showed me where the problem is: I had Atelier Web Ports Traffic Analyzer 1.1 installed and apparently that program and Ports Explorer don't play well together.

    I uninstalled the PE demo, ran lspfix and it showed that awlsp11.dll was causing a problem.

    Since this .dll is part of AWPTA 1.1, I uninstalled that program and immediately got internet access back.

    I reinstalled the PE demo ran it and then uninstalled it and now when I do the uninstall my system acts normally... apparently some sort of Winsock 2 resource conflict between these two programs exists when I uninstall the PE demo.

    Now if I can just download the full version of Port Explorer...
  5. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    :D Glad you have got it sorted Harold77,
    You will be more than happy with the full version with all of it's functionality.
    We are currently beta testing V1.5 which adds logging facilities amongst other things, hopefully to be released in the near future.

  6. Harold77

    Harold77 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2003
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    Thanks pilli, hopefully I'll be able, eventually, to download the full version.:)
  7. Jason_DiamondCS

    Jason_DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Nov 11, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    Hi Harold,
    some misbehaving applications can't handle sharing the LSP chain as seems the case with this AWPTA you mentioned. When Port Explorer uninstall's itself it removes itself from the chain and obviously AWPTA could not handle that. With the LSP chain if the "links" at the top of the chain don't work, like AWPTA, then you basically lose TCP/UDP activity unless they are removed/repaired.

    Port Explorer can handle any changes to the LSP chain. :) Not that its something to be THAT proud of, Port Explorer's LSP driver is just written correctly (which shouldn't be special) where a lot of others aren't.

  8. and

    and Guest

    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    >Not that its something to be THAT proud of, Port Explorer's LSP driver is just written
    >correctly (which shouldn't be special) where a lot of others aren't.

    and thats why it still kicks the delphi 7 enterprise ide to hell ... "its not a bug ... its a feature" ... *lol*.
  9. Jason_DiamondCS

    Jason_DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Nov 11, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    Hi And,
    Are you trying to say Port Explorer messes up Delphi's interface? You aren't quite clear about what your point is in your posting. I don't see how Port Explorer could affect a non LSP based program.
  10. Wayne - DiamondCS

    Wayne - DiamondCS Security Expert

    Jul 19, 2002
    Perth, Oz
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    We've got Delphi here (versions 4, 5, 6 and 7) just for compiling trojans as many trojan authors and script kiddies use it to write malware, we haven't had any conflicts between it and Port Explorer, nor can I see any reason there would by any conflicts as the Delphi IDE shouldn't have anything to do with sockets or LSPs so shouldn't have anything to do with Port Explorer.
  11. and

    and Guest

    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    Try to start Delphi with installed PExplorer ... . Than use a client- or serversocket and start it within delphi. You will got an error "Too many single step exceptions". Some times the whole delphi ide crashes than.
  12. and

    and Guest

    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    By the way ...

    It think it is a kind of anti debugging function. You detect the debugger and than rais an exception x 1000. But it makes PExplorer completely useless for any developer.

    And by the way again ...

    >Port Explorer's LSP driver

    DRIVER? *rofl* ... but i guess you know the diffrence between a driver and a ring3 dll *g*.

    I won't use a LSP. Its to easy to circumwent and in many cases quite unstable.
  13. Wayne - DiamondCS

    Wayne - DiamondCS Security Expert

    Jul 19, 2002
    Perth, Oz
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    Andreas you're 99% talk, 1% Delphi. Enough said.

    Well that's enough Wasting Time With Andreas for one day.
  14. Andreas1

    Andreas1 Security Expert

    Jan 29, 2003
    Mainz (Ger)
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    I am looking forward to see if there are any other developers around to confirm this (apart from DCS who naturally claim it isn't and Andreas (no not me, the other one :D ) who also rather naturally claims that it is). Until then, and since i am not using delphi nor think i ever will, I for one rather trust Jason and Wayne than "some guest" ;) .

  15. Gavin - DiamondCS

    Gavin - DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    Port Explorer does have anti-debugging protection, doesn't make it useless for ANY developer. Perhaps a TINY hassle for a developer who wants to leave it running 24/7 in the background while they debug their program.

    Close Port Explorer, program away and debug. If you are debugging you wont be looking at Port Explorer anyway. So close it :)
  16. Wayne - DiamondCS

    Wayne - DiamondCS Security Expert

    Jul 19, 2002
    Perth, Oz
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    If we're talking about serious/professional developers, they're not using Delphi anyway. We haven't had any reports of this problem from any other programmers and there are a lot of programmers who have already purchased Port Explorer (many of them multiple business licenses) so it is already heavily in use by a lot of developers in over 40 countries now, none of whom have reported any problems to us.
  17. Jason_DiamondCS

    Jason_DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Nov 11, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Re:Can't uninsrall PE

    Yes Port Explorer DOES have anti-debugging code in it. Did you try and debug it and realize this? From what I gather from your comments you mustn't of gone far into debugging. The Anti-Debugging code only makes it useless for intermediate crackers, not developers. There's no reason at all a valid developer would want to debug/reverse engineer Port Explorer.

    This isn't a developers forum hence I tend to use terms which the majority of forum readers will understand. That being said, I wrote the LSP DLL, so if your comment was to undermine my knowledge on LSP's or even drivers, a comment like that will hardly achieve your goal :)

  18. Wayne - DiamondCS

    Wayne - DiamondCS Security Expert

    Jul 19, 2002
    Perth, Oz
    Your post has been removed due to its offensive nature. Don't bother re-posting banned posts, it's against the TOS of this board.

    Anyway, you shouldn't be wasting any more time here as you actually have something to do now - the next version of ANTS, so for your benefit, the benefit of your future ANTS customers, and the benefit of everyone here who's tired of your childish antics I'll lock this thread so that you can go and do something constructive. We look forward to actually seeing a program from you rather than obnoxious, time wasting posts. This is your chance to prove to the world how good you really are at programming an anti-trojan system. If you're half as good as you say you are we should all be in for an amazing program. We look forward to it.
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