can't undo ie home page disable

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by jerikennedy, Jun 8, 2003.

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  1. jerikennedy

    jerikennedy Registered Member

    Jun 8, 2003
    just installed spywareblaster 2.5.3. Chose ie home page lock and new name. Worked fine except can't undo with uncheck box and apply. Didn't realize ALL internet options locked out. Don't like not being able to clear temp ie files and history. Running XP and ie 6.0.26. Didn't snapshot first. don't want to sys restore as too much work done today. How recover IE tool options?
  2. TonyKlein

    TonyKlein Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    The Netherlands
    If you have SpyBot S&D installed, go to SpyBot - Search and Destroy > Immunize, and UNcheck the "Lock IE Control Panel..." box.

    If you don't, you'll need to remove the restriction manually :
    Go to Start > run, type regedit and hit 'enter'.

    Now to 'Edit' > Search.

    Search for a value called NoBrowserOptions , and delete that value in the right pane when found.
    Next, press F 3 to search for a possible second entry, and if found, delete that one as well.

    Cheers, .
  3. jerikennedy

    jerikennedy Registered Member

    Jun 8, 2003
    Wow, very timely response. I had been fooling around with SpyBot settings just prior to D/Ling you product. Thanks alot (I was blaming Blaster not SpyBot)

    I have a suggestion for a possible improvement for you. I would like to have a way of evaluating what your tool is actually accomplishing. I don't particularly want a popup thing but with SpyBot and Add-Aware I get a list of what they found. From this I have decided that they are reasonably effective and worthy of my continued use and support.

    Some type of activity log to review would be useful. Probably I don't understand how SpyBlaster works but telling me what is in the database doesn't tell me that it working. I suppose that I should see add-aware and spybot finding less and less stuff but that does not positively reflect directly on Blaster.

    If that is the real (I hope) result Blaster should tell me so somehow. If ad-aware fails to find something it otherwise would have, do you get the credit? Think about it.

  4. Paragon

    Paragon Guest

    Yes it does. SpywareBlaster doesn't eliminate spyware, it prevents it from being installed in the first place. Noticing that the items in the list no longer appear in SpyBot and Ad-Aware results is exactly how you can see that it's working. Or, if you prefer more tangible results, you can always remove the SpywareBlaster protection for a while and see what starts popping up in results. ;)
    Would you really want a log of every time something was prevented from being installed? What's the point? I'd rather not have to have SpywareBlaster running all the time (which I think is a great feature).

    Think about it.
  5. jerikennedy

    jerikennedy Registered Member

    Jun 8, 2003
    Valid point especially since I spend several days a week play BF1942 online and I have to manually stop all unnecessary processes to free max resources so another resident process is a "bad" thing sometimes for me

    Still, as a retired test engineer (mostly air-air missiles) I know how difficult it is to prove a negative. My motto has always been that "testing proves the presence of problem(s not their absence". I also spend several hours a day surfing and D/Ling so I get a far amount of spyware. I may have time to note the reduction in items that ad-aware finds but as a practice I never do.

    As a marketing technique you might more clearly stress that less is more in this case and that your product is the reason why. Also suggest ways i.e. ad-aware etc that positive results can be seen. I can easily claim in my mind that any reduction in spyware is due to being more concientious in my surfing habitsor simply not surfing for awhile. I did scan your help file and home page but it wasn't at all clear how I should know how well you are doing. I am learning though but I don't think you should overestimate the sophistication level of your customer base.

    That being said, another suggestion. My wife's habits are different than mine (multiple computer home network). Her spyware tolerance is much higher than mine. As long as her bingo sites work she doesn't care. I cleaned her system in the past and crashed some of her accesses which did not please her. I wasn't able to determine what to allow and what not to allow so I scrubed everything Ad-aware and SpyBot found. Not the best way to insure domestic tranquility especially since I also had to make all her stuff work again.

    I may be able to use SpyBot resident in a trial by error mode to develop a core set of cookies etc that she needs but I am still testing it on my machine. I look at your blocking list and am not sure what to block and what not to. Perhaps you could have a (temprorary) resident version that asks so that I can use it to determine which blocks to check without PO her again.

    BTW, If you need more beta testers I have the time and interest. I am retired but not brain dead yet.

  6. I'm having the same problem, anyone find a solution for you o_O?
  7. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi Bart. The solution was in the second post (above). Spybot S&D has options on its Immunize screen to lock and unlock from the local user the IE home page and IE Internet Options feature. Follow Tony's instructions above to find it.

    Here is an image of the Spybot Immunize screen:


    Please let me know if I've misunderstood your problem and this solution does not work for you.

    Best Wishes,
  8. HossMonkey

    HossMonkey Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2003
    TonyKlein & LowWaterMark forgot to add that after you follow the steps above you'll need to close IE (Internet Explorer) & relaunch/open IE in order for the "Internet Options" block to reset & allow you access once again.

    This warning/error message should no longer appear after relaunching IE.

    If it doesn't work after closeing IE make sure you're not running programs/applications that are built on IE (example: Kazaa).

    If that doesn't work then reboot your system; This will make sure all programs/applications built with IE are closed.

    Try the above before messing with your Registry unless you know what you're doing, remember you'll still have to relaunch IE after changing your registry!

    BTW Thanks TonyKlein & LowWaterMark for the info/fix, thought I Mucked with something & screwed it up as I always do! :)


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