Can't start spyguard as a shortcut

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by Bill Mead, Aug 10, 2003.

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  1. Bill Mead

    Bill Mead Guest

    I can't start spyguard from/as a shortcut
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi Bill,

    Are you sure SpywareGuard isn't already running? You see, when you install SpywareGuard, it sets itself up to start on every system reboot. (It places a shortcut to itself in the Start menu's Startup folder.) SpywareGuard is visible in the systray next to the clock as an icon that looks like this: SG

    If SpywareGuard is already running in the systray, then double clicking on any shortcut to it will not do anything since it is already running. When it is running, you call up its interface by right-clicking on the SG tray icon.

    I hope this helps,
  3. Amerk_5

    Amerk_5 Registered Member

    May 22, 2003
    Dansville, NY
    And if you're refering to SpywareBlaster, it doesn't need to run in the background. You just run it once or twice a week to check for updates, apply the updates & close the program.
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