Can't defrag after uninstall NOD32

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by internetfreakz, Jan 20, 2006.

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  1. Hellow,

    After uninstalling NOD32 it isn't possible to defrag my harddisks...

    When i click the button 'Defrag' or 'Analyse', Windows doesn't anything...

    Somebody that known the problem and can help me?


  2. Blackspear

    Blackspear Global Moderator

    Dec 2, 2002
    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Hi Pieter, I have never seen this in over 3 years of instaling Nod32 on hundreds of PC's.

    Do you have any blocking programs on your computer such as Process Guard 3 or Online Armor?

    Have you used a registry cleaner recently?

    If you reinstall Nod32 are you then able to defrag?

    Cheers :D
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