Can't D/L BARTPE Plugin

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by MPSAN, Oct 12, 2005.

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  1. MPSAN

    MPSAN Registered Member

    Nov 21, 2004
    I tried and followed the instructions to get the BARTPE plugin for TI. Will it work on TI9? At any rate, I log in to my account, but see no way to d/l it.

    I get errors trying to create BARTPE anyway, so it will not matter 'til I get that resolved. Do not know why I get...

    Error: CopyFile "D:\i386\" to "C:\pebuilder313\setuphiv" returned error 5: Access is denied.
  2. Hannes

    Hannes Registered Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    After login, did you go to "support - plug-in for BartPE"? Then a page describing the BartPE should appear, including a link to download.
    Will it work on TI9?
    This is the wrong way to ask, because the plug-in is a program that runs under BartPE and not a plugin for TI. It is based upon an early TI8 version, that means, you will run TI 8 under BartPE. Anyway, it works well for me.
  3. MPSAN

    MPSAN Registered Member

    Nov 21, 2004
    I get to the BartPE plugin page but I do not see the link to download it. I never registered my TI8 as I got the TI9 upgrade before ever installing (or opening the TI8 Box). I wonder if it requires me to register TI8 to get the plug in? If so, I think Acronis should fix that!
    Anyway, I do not see where there is a download link on the page. Still need to see why I can not make a BartCd as I get access errors.

  4. arf1410

    arf1410 Registered Member

    Jul 14, 2005
    I have tried the plugin, but it keeps asking for more files. I copied the entire I386 folder from my Windows XP PRo disk, and it still gives me errors when trying to create the CD. Any suggestions?
  5. TheQuest

    TheQuest Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Kent. UK by the sea
    Hi, arf1410

    Try Here:- BartPE Online help

    Take Care,
    TheQuest :cool:
  6. MPSAN

    MPSAN Registered Member

    Nov 21, 2004
    Well, with only TI9 regestered on the Acronis site, I do not see that it gives me the option to download the plugin. As I said, I have not even opened my TI8 box, but I may do it and register the TI8. If that works, then Acronis needs to make the plugin available to people who only have TI9 registered. I hope I can register TI8 without installing it.
  7. arf1410

    arf1410 Registered Member

    Jul 14, 2005
    Anyone feel like clarifying why one would want this BartPE and plugin?
  8. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005

    If you have a system that will not boot from the Acronis Rescue CD or will boot but will not see the location of your image due to an unsupported drive type or network card, the BartPE plugin may be your only option. BartPE allows you to add Windows drivers to your build. Therfore, it can support a much wider range of hardware configurations than the Linux based Recue CD.

    The existing version 8 plugin is able to restore images created with TI9 that can not be restored with a Rescue CD due to the corrupt image problem. For new users of TI9 that do not have access to a TI8 CD, BartPE may be the only way to restore a system image. Up until today I was using it myself. Build 2289 is the first build of TI9 that is working well on my system and can verify and restore from the Rescue CD.

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