Can't connect to Proxy/Timesout(GhostSurf)

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by Milken, Jan 10, 2006.

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  1. Milken

    Milken Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
    My issue is similar to Notageek "I keep getting 404. . ." posted below.
    GhostSurf stopped working when I changed firewalls(Tiny DPF 2005), but even after switching back(ZA/windows firewall) it still hasn't worked. Also, I shut down ZA/Windows Firewall, and reconnected to the internet, still, NOTHING!

    It seems like they have a broken hub in the chain.
    IRQL bluescreen comes up sometimes but it worked with or without the error.

    1) The only reason I use GhostSurf is because it can encrypt data, otherwise I could do it myself

    2) Are there any good, reasonably priced(or free) alternatives w/ this ability?
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