Can I Safely Disable System Restore?

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by CogitoErgoSum, Dec 22, 2005.

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  1. CogitoErgoSum

    CogitoErgoSum Registered Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Cerritos, California
    Can I safely disable "system restore" if I backup my registry with ERUNT? If not, do I have to consider the purchase of disk imaging software such as Acronis True Image? Any comments or opinions would be greatly appreciated.

    Peace & Love,

  2. iceni60

    iceni60 ( ^o^)

    Jun 29, 2004
    you can safely disable System Restore in services but i wouldn't do it if you only have ERUNT instead. ERUNT and System Restore are abit different. ERUNT backs up the registry which is just how the system and programs are setup while System Restore backups up some system files too.
  3. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    I have System Restore disabled, but I use FDISR to the same purpose, only it is complete. You could also do it in theory with imaging, but I personally wouldn't. Image restore takes more time, and might carry more risk.
  4. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    System Restore backs up core system files along with the registry, so ERUNT wouldn't be a complete replacement. You run RegRun, don't you? If so, you could go into "Rescue" and create a backup task for all of that, and make a boot disk for emergency restore.

    Personally I do like to have additional types of system restore type programs, because one may not always work.. so I do automatic registry backups wtih RegRun, system restore type backup with VCOM, and then I make a disk image with Acronis True Image periodically (always before installing something risky). This affords a few different levels of backup, and at different intervals. I backup my personal data separately. This kind of setup would probably be overkill for many, but I also do a lot of beta testing, so the more the better. I also keep most of my data on a second partition.. if something happens to the system partition, I wouldn't affected as much as most people. I then treat personal data backup separately from system state backup.
  5. CogitoErgoSum

    CogitoErgoSum Registered Member

    Aug 22, 2005
    Cerritos, California
    Thanks iceni60, Peter2150 and Notok for your repsective input.

    Peace & Love,

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