can i link my SSD with USB during the migration instead of sata port (not available)?

Discussion in 'Other Paragon Disk Utilities' started by Michael REMY, May 31, 2012.

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  1. Michael REMY

    Michael REMY Registered Member

    May 31, 2012
    hi !

    By using Paragon Os to SS software, do i need having both the drives (HD and SS) connected in the same time on both sata port ?

    i don't have enough SATA port available to connect both the hard drive and SSD. I will use Paragon os to SS migration.

    so, can i connect the SSD on USB port (using sata2usb converter) to prepare and migrate my os to the SSD ?

    Once Paragon Os To SSD will have finish his process, i could only connect the SSD to the SATA port.

    thanks for help
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