Can i have 2 RAS (or RAC) in a single domain

Discussion in 'Other ESET Home Products' started by alpaje, Aug 4, 2008.

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  1. alpaje

    alpaje Registered Member

    May 4, 2008
    Hi this is my scenario, my company DC is hosting Symantec AV (primary server). I cant uninstall this as it will affect the functionality of SAV in this domain. Therefore i intend to get a spare PC, to install NOD32 RAS & RAC, thereafter make use of this PC to push installation to users workstation. I got to do it one by one as i need to uninstall the SAV in each users workstation.

    Thereafter all is done (successfully, which i hope). Then i will uninstall Symantec primary server in my DC. Afterwhich i intend to install NOD32 RAS & RAC in this DC. Once installed and function successfully, i will remove the spare PC.

    Can i do so? Will i faced any problem? Is there a better approach on this scenario?

    Thanks for your advice and help.

  2. Bakker

    Bakker Registered Member

    May 28, 2008
    Wouldn't it be easier to install the RA server on the same server as the symantec AV product? As long as they're not using the same ports it shouldn't be a problem.
  3. SoCal_Sparrow

    SoCal_Sparrow Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2008
    .. probably. But I've not done this, and I would be careful of any conflicts ESPECIALLY on the DC. :)

    You shouldn't have a problem doing this. You'll just be configuring your RAS twice. While you have both running, make sure you're replicating 'from' the workstation, 'to' the DC. And don't forget to update your client configurations for the new RAS and Update server before decommissioning the workstation.
  4. PRJUS

    PRJUS Guest

    I agree with Bakker as you are not installing the antivirus product itself (EAV or ESS) on the server with Symantec until you uninstall Symantic. You would just install the server and console as you wrote so I can't see why it should be a problem.

    If you go with the two computer solution I would create an extra DNS entry with the name nod32 or something like that pointing to the temporary RAS and use that in the configuration.

    Then you can just change the DNS entry later on to point to the DC and you don't have to send out a new configuration with the new server name and wait for all clients to pick it up.

  5. agoretsky

    agoretsky Eset Staff Account

    Apr 4, 2006

    Have you considered contacting an ESET sales engineer to go over your deployment plan? They may be able to provide some suggestions on how to perform the migration from one anti-virus program to another.


    Aryeh Goretsky
  6. alpaje

    alpaje Registered Member

    May 4, 2008
    Hi guys, thanks for yr advice. I am quite wary about installing RAS into my DC with Symantec AV still running. But if it can be done, it will help to save alot of hassle after the migration, like pointing my user to the right RAS.

    But then again, i do harbour a thought of having a server (low end) dedicated to run NOD32 RAS/RAC. This is juz an ideal scenario.

    I will check with my local support on this and at the same time would do some testing on my test envrionment.

  7. Scott Gibbons

    Scott Gibbons Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    What about installing a VM on the DC?
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