Calibre Releases

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by guest, Oct 5, 2019.

  1. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  2. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  3. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  4. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  5. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  6. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  7. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  8. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  9. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  10. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  11. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  12. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  13. guest

    guest Guest

    Calibre 6.2 Released (July 29, 2022)
    Website (GitHub)
    What's New
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    Release: 6.2 [29 Jul, 2022]
    New features
    • Full text search: Ignore soft hyphens when extracting searchable text from books. Note that you will have to re-index your library to take advantage of this.
    • Content server: Have the Read button open PDF files in the browsers builtin PDF viewer rather than the calibre viewer since the calibre viewer is not well suited to PDF
    • Kobo driver: Add support for new firmware
    • Create icon theme dialog: Add a checkbox to install the newly created theme into calibre
    • Allow re-indexing a book for FTS by right clicking the Book details panel
    Bug fixes
    • Content server: Workaround for chrome bug causing multiple sign in prompts when connecting to the server after restarting Chrome
      Closes tickets: 1982060

    • Fix a regression in 6.0 that broke rendering of first page of EPUB as cover when the EPUB has no actual cover
    • Content server: Fix a regression in 6.0 that caused incorrect rendering of comments metadata in the book details panel in dark mode
      Closes tickets: 1981886

    • FB2 Input: Fix a regression in 6.0 that broke conversion of FB2 on macOS
      Closes tickets: 1982743

    • Metadata download from Google: Switch to making the queries via a Google web search as this finds some books that searching via the API does not
      Closes tickets: 1982502

    • Book details panel: Fix clicking on items from an enumerated column containing ampersands not searching correctly
      Closes tickets: 1982651

    • Image editor: Do not allow initial mouse drag to create selection rect outside the image bounds
    • E-book viewer: Fix clicking on ToC entries moving keyboard focus to the ToC search box when the ToC window is floating
    • Fix a regression in 6.0 that caused the default cover to be rendered small in some contexts
    • Various bug fixes related to the new dark/light icon theme switching. Make the icons more consistent even when using the system theme. Use calibre specific file type icons when using the non native file dialogs. Allow creating dark/light override icons manually in the configuration folder.
      Closes tickets: 1981882

    • Disable the color theme setting when using system style
      Closes tickets: 1981909

    • When using a fixed color palette and the system colors are of different type enforce the color palette
    • Ignore Qt generated application palette changes when using a fixed palette
      Closes tickets: 1982050

    • In the icon theme chooser dialog show themes show light and dark themes only in the light and dark tabs
    • Welcome wizard: Fix device names not being translated correctly leading to the same name being repeated for some devices
      Closes tickets: 1982035

    • Read aloud: Fix spurious error message on Linux about voices not being installed
    • Linux binaries: Bundle brotli and graphite2 as well as Qt links against them
    • FTS dialog: When keyboard navigation changes the current item ensure it stays visible
    • Binary builds: Fix Qt TLS backends not included
      Closes tickets: 1981887

    • Fix Qt WebEngine creating cache folders outside of the calibre cache directory
    New news sources
    • The Athletic by unkn0wn
    • Various Russian and Ukranian news sources by bugmen00t
    Improved news sources
    • Frontline
    • HBR
    • The Australian
    • India Today
    • Indian Express
    • India Today
    • Live Mint
    • The Atlantic
  14. guest

    guest Guest

    Calibre 6.2.1 Released (July 29, 2022)
    Website (GitHub)
    What's New
    Download (GitHub)
  15. guest

    guest Guest

  16. guest

    guest Guest

    Calibre 6.3 Released (August 12, 2022)
    Website (GitHub)
    What's New
    Download (GitHub)
    Release: 6.3 [12 Aug, 2022]
    New features
    • E-book viewer: Allow searching for nearby words using a new "Nearby words" search mode
    • calibredb: New fts_search and fts_index commands to perform full text searching from the command line
    • Image viewing popup: Allow zooming using the standard shortcuts of Ctrl+plus/minus
      Closes tickets: 1985021
    Bug fixes
    • Fix a regression in calibre 6.0 that broke remembering the previous sort order for a column
    • Fix a regression in calibre 6.0 that broke processing of very high resolution images
      Closes tickets: 1983484

    • Full text search: Fix error when using restrict searched books and more than 900 books are present in the searched list
      Closes tickets: 1983230

    • E-book viewer: Fix parsing of CSS styles with @supports rules not working
    • E-book viewer: Speed up initial render of books with lots of CSS in <style> tags by not prettying the CSS
    • Google books metadata download: Fix paragraphs not being recognized
      Closes tickets: 1983126

    • Content server: Fix light background for comments editor in dark mode
    • Content server: Fix margin and body background color mismatch when reading books with a non-white/black color scheme
      Closes tickets: 1985058

    • Content server: Fix long tapping in the notes edit area incorrectly changing the highlight extent
      Closes tickets: 1983271

    • Google search engine: Fix for different URL encoding used by Google servers in Portugal
    • Check library: Fix vacuum not running on FTS db
    New news sources
    • Various Russian and Ukranian news sources by bugmen00t
    Improved news sources
    • Wirtschaft Woche
    • Scientific American
    • Popular Science
    • Mediapart
    • MIT Technology Review
    • Indian Express
    • Eenadu
  17. guest

    guest Guest

  18. guest

    guest Guest

    Calibre 6.4 Released (September 2, 2022)
    Website (GitHub)
    What's New
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    Release: 6.4 [02 Sep, 2022]
    New features
    • Conversion pipeline: Add support for !important when flattening CSS rules
      Closes tickets: 1987011

    • Content server: Use the chapter title as the base bookmark name when creating new bookmarks
      Closes tickets: 1986786

    • Allow changing the search order when clicking on items in the Tag browser (Preferences->Look & feel->Tag browser->Hierarchy and searching)
    • Check library: Make vacuuming the full text database optional as it is very slow and memory intensive
      Closes tickets: 1986500

    • Tag browser: Move the preferences for controlling the order and display of categories in the Tag browser from Preferences->Tweaks to Preferences->Look & feel->Tag browser
      Closes tickets: 1987235

    • User category editor: Hide items not visible in the Tag browser
      Closes tickets: 1984121

    • Allow adding a button to show the Manage categories window to the toolbars via Preferences->Toolbars & menus
    • Google metadata download: When excluding results from a web search because they don't match the specified title/author ignore diacritics, accents, etc.
    Bug fixes
    • E-book viewer: Lookup: Google dictionary: Add some padding at the left and right margins
      Closes tickets: 1986963

    • E-book viewer: Lookup word in Google dictionary: Fix meanings of some words not being shown in the user's preferred language
      Closes tickets: 1985855

    • Fix calibredb backup_metadata --all operating only on dirty books not all books
      Closes tickets: 1987390

    • Do not VACUUM FTS db when exporting library as it can be very slow
      Closes tickets: 1987557

    • Windows: Nicer error message when attempting to run viewer/editor on machine without MediaPack installed
    • Edit book: Reports: Fix rendering of images in the images report table
    • Content server: Fix formatting of dates for custom columns using ISO format
      Closes tickets: 1986412
    New news sources
    • Brhat by Vishwas Vasuki
    • Cachys Blog by Volker Heggemann
    • Various Russian and Ukranian news sources by bugmen00t
    Improved news sources
    • Live Law and Live Mint
    • Financial Times and MIT Technology Review
    • Business Standard and Indian Express
    • Nautilus
    • High Country News
    • Outlook Business Magazine
  19. guest

    guest Guest

  20. guest

    guest Guest

    Calibre 6.5 Released (September 16, 2022)
    Website (GitHub)
    What's New
    Download (GitHub)
    Release: 6.5 [16 Sep, 2022]
    New features
    • Kobo driver: support the new Kobo Clara 2e
    • When running calibre with the --with-library command line flag and calibre is already running, switch to the specified library in calibre
      Closes tickets: 1989631

    • E-book viewer: Ask for confirmation when deleting a custom highlight style
      Closes tickets: 1988443

    • Do not show the virtual libraries tab bar when no virtual libraries are present
      Closes tickets: 1988609

    • Tag mapper: When specifying the replacement tag allow completion from the tags in the currently open library
    • Template language: New functions strcasecmp() and to_hex()
    Bug fixes
    • Comments editor: Workaround for Qt inserting invalid font-weight when converting a paragraph to a heading
      Closes tickets: 1989177

    • E-book viewer: When displaying highlights dont group highlights from different chapters when the chapter titles are identical
      Closes tickets: 1988590

    • Tag browser: Fix error if a User category contains a reference to a deleted custom column
    • When sending books by email to the Kindle and PocketBook email delivery services use random subject and filenames consisting of simple English letters to try to workaround various bugs in their email processing code
      Closes tickets: 1989282
    Improved news sources
    • The Wall Street Journal
    • Open Magazine
    • The Baffler
    • Dark Reading
    • New York Times
    • NYTimes Cooking
    • NYTimes Sports Beat
    • Outlook Magazine
    • Foreign Affairs
  21. guest

    guest Guest

  22. guest

    guest Guest

    Calibre 6.6 Released (September 30, 2022)
    Website (GitHub)
    What's New
    Download (GitHub)
    Release: 6.6 [30 Sep, 2022]
    New features
    • Book details: allow displaying multi-valued categories such as tags on separate lines via Preferences->Look & feel->Book details
    • Tag browser: When searching the Tag browser allow also filtering the book list to show only books that match one of the categories currently shown in the Tag browser.
      Closes tickets: 1989813

      To use enable the two Preferences: "Preferences->Look & feel->Tag browser->Hide empty categories" and "Find shows all items that match". Then, when searching the Tag browser, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F to restrict the displayed books.

    • Edit book: When right clicking on HTML files in EPUB 3 books, allow marking them as the Table of Contents (NAV document)
      Closes tickets: 1990507
    Bug fixes
    • EPUB Output: Fix converting a document with obfuscated fonts to EPUB 3 not working
      Closes tickets: 1990185

    • Edit book: Fix an error when processing books that contain comments inside unknown CSS @ rules
      Closes tickets: 1990660

    • Content server: Fix jumping to locations such as bookmarks not working on iPhone/iPad running iOS >= 15
      Closes tickets: 1989722

    • Font subsetting: Fix :first-line and :first-letter pseudo classes not being handled correctly
      Closes tickets: 1990766

    • Workaround for Amazon's email delivery service not reading metadata from inside ebook files
    • Edit book: File list: Fix pressing Tab key while renaming a file not starting the rename of the next file
    Improved news sources
    • SCMP
    • Spectator Magazine
    • Spiegel Online International
    • Engadget
  23. guest

    guest Guest

    Calibre 6.6.1 Released (September 30, 2022)
    Website (GitHub)
    What's New
    Download (GitHub)
  24. guest

    guest Guest

  25. guest

    guest Guest

    Calibre 6.7 Released (October 14, 2022)
    Website (GitHub)
    What's New
    Download (GitHub)
    Release: 6.7 [14 Oct, 2022]
    New features
    • Template language: A new "Python template mode" which allows using arbitrary Python code in templates
    • Tag browser: Allow removing format from selected books by right clicking on the format in the Tag browser
      Closes tickets: 1992273

    • E-book viewer: Ask for confirmation when creating a highlight that will overwrite existing highlights
      Closes tickets: 1991597

    • Book list: Allow changing column widths via a dedicated dialog by right clicking on column headers
    Bug fixes
    • E-book viewer: Fix a regression that broke adding of new lookup sources
      Closes tickets: 1992278

    • E-book viewer: Fix copy to clipboard not ignoring text from elements that are marked as non user selectable
      Closes tickets: 1991504

    • Content server: When adding books, run all file type plugins before reading metadata
      Closes tickets: 1992244

    • Edit book: Preview panel: In dark mode when all of the background/foreground/link colors are set to "No change" do not render the book using dark colors
    Improved news sources
    • The Athletic
    • der Standard
    • The Economic Times India Print Edition
    • Indian Express
    • India Today Magazine
    • Caravan Magazine
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