Buying KAV via System Mechanic 6 Pro

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Frank the Perv, Jan 26, 2006.

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  1. Frank the Perv

    Frank the Perv Banned

    Dec 16, 2005
    Virginia, USA
    I've been eyeing KAV for a long time. When KAV 2006 comes out, I plan to read the current info/reviews on the product and consider purchasing at that time.

    The various tools and some of the discussion of System Mechanic 6 Pro...

    ...lead me to wonder if buying KAV through System Mechanic 6 Pro is a good way to go.

    Has anybody here done this?

    I'm assuming that the KAV version is the same. Does anybody have contrary information?

    What about the other tools.... do peope here have experience with them?

    Thanks for you input..

  2. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    Well I guess that depends on what you are really looking for; do you want the entire System Mechanic suite of are you just looking to purchase KAV? If you are looking to purchase a suite, this one is very good. System Suite 6 ( is propably a better suite, except the antivirus; VCOM uses Trend Micro. If you are just looking for KAV I suggest you look elsewhere as you can find it cheaper. (see: Also, I have read nothing that leads me to belive that System Mechanic will upgrade its KAV version once 6 is released.
  3. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    I just received an email from iolo support and users of system mechanic 6 pro will not be able to upgrade to KAV 6 when it is released.

    Hope that helps
  4. wolfeyes89

    wolfeyes89 Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2006
    well system mechanic pro is mostly about maintnence if you want the best protection out there get nod 32 or bit defender.
  5. InfinityAz

    InfinityAz Registered Member

    Jul 23, 2005
    Personally, I'd find KAV as a stand alone. For several reasons:

    You can get KAV for $24.99 from newegg.

    I have System Mechanic 6 and am disappointed. While it appears to be good you can't tell since it generally identifies problems but doesn't give any specifics (e.g., it states it found 2 spyware problems but doesn't show what the problems are, it says it will make your access speeds faster but doesn't show what's it's changing to do so, it says your registry has X number of problems but doesn't show you the problems, and on and on).

    I personally prefer SM 5 because at least you know what is happening with your system. I've also had problems with their support, receiving rebates from them, etc. In fact, I've had so many issues with them I will never buy another one of their products (this, of course, is my experience and others may have something different to report).

    I think SystemSuite 6 is better made and better supported (but it doesn't contain KAV).

    Please make sure you download the SM 6 Pro demo and try it for 30 days before spending a penny on the software.
  6. Frank the Perv

    Frank the Perv Banned

    Dec 16, 2005
    Virginia, USA
    Thanks for the responses -- just the kind of info I was looking for.
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