Buying Ghost Security Suite

Discussion in 'Ghost Security Suite (GSS)' started by meargh, Dec 2, 2005.

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  1. meargh

    meargh Guest

    I'm a bit confused--I think. (Is it possible to not know if you're confused? Or does that just mean you really are confused?)

    I would like to buy RegDefend and AppDefend. Can they both be purchased at the same time under the guise of "Ghost Security Suite"? Or must they be purchased separately?

    What confuses me is how I thought I was only downloading AppDefend, but ended up getting and installing "Ghost Security Suite". Turns out I like RegDefend too. OK, so... if it's a "suite", that implies it can be bought as a bundle.

    I'm hoping I can save money by buying both, because $60 may bee too steep for me (even with a member discount).
  2. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
  3. meargh

    meargh Guest

    That's great but what about the question? I want both RegDefend and AppDefend--can they be purchased at the same time like most "suites" allow, or do they have to be purchased separately?

    I just don't want to go ahead and buy them separately, and then find out 10 minutes later that I could have saved money. That kind of thing happens all the time to me, it seems...
  4. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
    I'll defer to Jason on this question. :)
  5. Jason_R0

    Jason_R0 Developer

    Feb 16, 2005
    There is currently no "bundle pack" for purchasing both, but there will be one soon. I'm not sure if the price will be that much better than what you can get now, simple because the 15% member discount is going to be reduced to 10%, with customers (people who have bought at least one item) then getting at least a 15% discount.

    Either way you can wait and see if it will be cheaper in the bundle form I guess (I am not sure myself at this stage), but I have a feeling whatever the amount will be, its only going to be a few dollars either way.
  6. meargh

    meargh Guest

    Thank you very much. I hope I didn't seem greedy or anything. I think the price is very reasonable, especially given the upgrade policy.

    Aside from interface issues (GSS doesn't like 120 DPI too much), I am really impressed. This is the software I've been looking for. And it's so tiny and efficient... Your skills impress me.

    OK, I'll shutup. Honestly, I'm not kissing butt. (If you knew who I was, and I think you may already, you'd know that is definitely not my style!) :)

  7. f3x

    f3x Guest

    >> 15% member discount is going to be reduced to 10%

    hmm i just hope this will not happen before chrismass
  8. Pho3NiXW0rlD

    Pho3NiXW0rlD Registered Member

    Jun 5, 2005
    Well first of all:
    Good work Jason.
    Then I must say I’M fascinated by this world of kernel modification and if it works I really believe it’s the best way to go out. I must admit I almost fallen in love with your product I also almost buy it however some things retrained me.

    First good point: the forum, I was like: finally an active development where developers listen to the customer. In that nice mood I took one hour and came up with three propositions in feature request. This post seamed ignored by a lot of peoples until two other members commented on it and the overall was extremely positive. Still I have no idea if developer read that thread once in a time.

    The bad point: money. You know, Canada dollar, Quebec, biggest taxes in North America. Plus I am a student and don’t really have that many incomes. Even worst: well I’m born in a generation where “unlock codes” for trial-ware magically appear here and there and well if I have to buy a software I means I REALLY REALLY but REALLY likes it.
    The good point: Lifetime upgrade. Well I’m still really young so I’m going to make you bankrupt with that many years of free upgrade ;)

    The last bad points which refrain me from buying right now are the secrets of Jason ;)
    Well basically I can afford 60 $ for such a tool but I’m not sure if I can afford 90$.
    Normally I’d wait to see what would be this new product and decide witch of the three I want the most.

    Now Jason stress us with that 15% to 10% regression. Oh wewll I’ll have to go. More exam to do grrrrr.
  9. meargh

    meargh Guest

    I hope you don't mean that you have a habit of using cracks and keygens and the like.

    I have thought of some interesting things I could do if I authored this type of software, to counteract illicit registrations.

    I just bought AppDefend and RegDefend for under $50 USD. I haven't registered CryptoSuite, but if I did, it would cost just under $34 USD.

    These prices do not seem out of line to me.
  10. I have to agree with what some others have stated or implied in that the combo price is a little steep. I did a trial of Regdefend and was very impressed but did not buy it. However, I am a registered user of KAV 5.0 and the new KAV2006, which the beta is available to try, incorporates a lot of the features of Appdefend and Regdefend. Before anyone comments, I am aware the Jason’s programs offer more control than the features incorporated in KAV2006.

    The point is that $60 seems high to me considering I can purchase KAV5 from Newegg for $24.99. This license will also work for KAV2006 when it is officially released. Now I am aware that this KAV license is for only 1 year. Edit - some arguably inflammatory speculation clipped - could we keep the discussion centered on things that are known? Thanks - Blue

    Personally, I would prefer to see Appdefend and Regdefend sold together as a security suite in the $29.95 to 39.95 price range, not each but for both, for an annual subscription for both products. I believe the subscription model would also generate more revenue over the long run for the developer. If the product is outstanding the renewal rate should be high. The attraction for the buyer is the lower entry price.

    I believe a good firewall, such as Zone Alarm Pro or Outpost Pro along with a good antivirus are the first line of defense and will catch most things. I view programs like Appdefend and Regdefend as a second layer of security. I would be willing to purchase, under the current model, these two programs if they were bundled as a suite for $39.95.

    Please don’t take me wrong. Jason’s programs are advanced and impressive. However, other developers, particularly the firewall and AV companies, are moving in this direction by incorporating these types of features into their products which ads value to their established products. This is a competitive market and the market is changing as we are seeing the well established firewall and AV companies incorporate HIPS like features into their products. Most of these companies offer annual subscriptions for their products in the $39.95 range.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2005
  11. Jason_R0

    Jason_R0 Developer

    Feb 16, 2005
    Other companies may be trying to squeeze into this realm, but a lot of them are failing big time at two things, stability and performance. You couldn't *pay* me to install something from ZAP or KAV that used a driver (I do have KAV AV on demand). That doesn't mean a lot of people won't buy their products, I know they will. :)

    Anyhow, the worst thing I think about buying a product is later having to rebuy it, every year or every major upgrade. In the case of most firewalls, you are left with a rather buggy old version which you can't really keep on your system if you are interested in security.

    As such is it really fair comparing their initial "cheap annual prices" enticed to hook people into their subscription model, when AppDefend/RegDefend prices are for a life time? Not to mention, there are free versions of both AppDefend and RegDefend, it's not required you buy all components.
  12. Jason_R0

    Jason_R0 Developer

    Feb 16, 2005
    I do read the wishlist thread often, especially when working on the newer versions. I don't reply to posts made there usually unless I need further information on the suggestion.

    I'm not sure which new product you are talking about? I guess you are estimating another component will be in the Ghost Security Suite? That may be true, but at this point in time it isn't 100% conclusive as to what it will be, if anything.

    Either way, new component(s) doesn't require you to buy them if you don't want/need them, and there will be free versions of them if they are made. If there is a new component, it won't interfere with RegDefend/AppDefend, it will be something new and different. I won't be taking bits out of RegDefend and AppDefend and putting them into a new product to force people to buy it, in other words. :)

    Finally, send an email to the to discuss student discount options, preferably from a registered .EDU domain.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2005
  13. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Hi Cantpullthetrigger

    The first part of your post brought me a chuckle. Appdefend and Regdefend work. I've given up testing KAV2006 for now. They are adding features and bugs faster then they can fix them. The little I played with their proactive defense left feeling it didn't come close to comparing to Jason's program.

    You do get what you pay for.

  14. Paranoid2000

    Paranoid2000 Registered Member

    May 2, 2004
    North West, United Kingdom
    Ghost Security does accept payment by Paypal and this avoids the taxes added by RegSoft automatically to the price. I would advise you check your legislation first to verify whether the buyer or the seller is required to pay your sales tax, but in many cases (e.g. VAT in the European Union) the onus is on the seller which means this tax avoidance would be legal for sellers based in other jurisdictions.
    Anti-virus/trojan software that requires constant signature updates (with the consequent server/bandwidth/analyst salary cost) can justify an annual fee in my view. Firewalls and process/registry protection software that do not, don't. Charging for App/RegDefend upgrades at some point would be reasonable and Jason's current "unlimited updates" offer does seem overly generous for the longer term, however he could probably just add a few new components if he ever has cashflow problems...

    *drum roll*

    Now presenting our all-new super-secure lineup for your system protection!...

    KeyDefend - the ultimate counter to all keyloggers, covering all possible methods of keyboard interception!

    FileDefend - restrict access to sensitive files with both access control and encryption options and even hide them completely from non-trusted programs!

    CheatDefend - improve your online gaming experience with protection for all your l337 cheating software! Hasta la vista PunkBuster!

    SpouseDefend - protects your most valuable relationship by throwing up random error dialogs and incomprehensible Windows messages whenever your spouse approaches your computer, ensuring that they never develop the expertise to understand your activities or confidence to use your system!

    BratDefend - protect your children by monitoring every single nudge and wink they make online! Translates l337 sp33k into English automatically for logging purposes! Does an automatic character check of all their online companions and alters the communications of those failing your criteria to resemble Martha Stewart, Al Gore or Dan Quayle ensuring your children avoid them forever afterwards!

    ...and more to come!
  15. meargh

    meargh Guest

    The bottom line is that the GSS applications excel in performance and stability. I love KAV's effectiveness, but I just had to give it up because the performance impact drove me bonkers. (I know a lot of people claim they don't have any such performance impact, but let's get real.)

    I've installed so much crap that made my system grind to a halt, or made it crash, or simply didn't work, that I have no problem paying for Jason's work. Just look at how the GSS applications work... Do you notice a slowdown? Do they work as they should? I don't know about you, but I've tried other HIPS and I could have sworn I had a circa-1991 Pentium 33 again when I used them (that, and bug upon bug upon bug...).

    Do you have any idea how hard it is to obtain the level of knowledge Jason has? Those results make a $25 or $30 fee nothing. Like Peter2150 said, you get what you pay for.
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