But if I do not remove those two files, BSA will not report an error. This error seems to be a newly installed system, the first time you use the command line to run BSA to analyze the first file of a type of extension, it will report this error. After analyzing the same file again, no error will be reported.
I just downloaded it, the beta version of Bsa, analyzed the files that were reported before, and no errors were reported. But I used the BSA that reported the error before and then analyzed it and there was no error.
It seems not. My friend used the previous version of BSA and reported an error again, but he was running it through the command line. I am testing your new BSA. I haven't found any wrong with me for the time being. I use the command line to try it out.
Hello, the new version you released will still have this error, not just the file with the new extension.
This problem is mainly caused by the command line method. This problem has not occurred in manual analysis.