Build 9.0 2323 is out!!

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by mangray, Dec 5, 2005.

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  1. mangray

    mangray Registered Member

    Mar 15, 2005
    Just we can test this Version.
    German and English is out.
  2. JJH

    JJH Guest

    Installed but build number dosen't change from 2302?
  3. grov

    grov Registered Member

    Aug 17, 2004
    Yeah - that confused me too. It appears that only the version written to a bootable CD has changed, not the windows version. I've created a new boot CD and it reports version 2323. Looking at the files in the TrueImage install folder, it appears that the windows executable was not updated by the new version.

    I wonder if this is intentional?
  4. bodgy

    bodgy Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    Yup this is confusing, however if you look at the version number (under XP & 2K) you'll see the installer reports version 2323 as does Media Builder, but as noted TI9 is v2302.

    Though to be fair, it would seem the media builder was causing people more problems than TI itself.

    But we'll just have to wait for acronis to tell us if anything is altered in TI itself.

  5. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    You need to uninstall the program first.

    I installed 2323 in a system with TI9 build 2289 and it came back with build 2289 in Windows. Then I did an uninstall and reinstall. Now it comes up as build 2323 in Windows.

    Now I will test to see how it does with some of the known problems. I'll post back soon with my findings.
  6. Manolo_BF

    Manolo_BF Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Madrid, Spain
    I'm afraid this doesn't work as an update. I have installed 2323 build just to discover I'm still with 2302. It surprised me the fact that the installer doesn't give you the option to upgrade. If you try to unistall the whole thing from the control panel and try it again, it's too late, the unistaller doesn't uninstall anything, services keep running and not even the icons are removed. The only way is doing it manually including a regsitry cleaning. So, after a 30 minutes boring process that should have taken no more than five, I reinstalled 2323 build, and this time everything went as expected, I got version 2323. If you're still in time uninstall any previous version prior to this, or everything is going to go wrong.

    The recovery disk reports version 2323 as well, but in my case it shows the same errors than previous version, this is, my usb mouse still doesn't work, which was something Acronis was going to fix in this release and, by the way, it was my only reason for updating.

    I've not tried the 2323 main program yet, but so far it's resulting a big waste of time.

    Greetings from Spain.
  7. manuangi

    manuangi Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2003
    right, guys.

    well, let's wait for the official support's word
  8. Howard Kaikow

    Howard Kaikow Registered Member

    Apr 10, 2005
    Is the demo version also at 2323?
    It really would help if the demo version file name included the version number.
  9. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    I have done some testing with build 2323. There is good news and bad news.

    First, the good news. The Windows version is able to remove an Acronis Secure Zone from the first drive in the system; and properly reallocate the space back to the partition you specify. This is a major improvement over the previous two builds. I still was not able to create a Secure Zone and Activate Recovery Manager all in one operation from Windows. It gave me that option, but only created the Secure Zone. I had to Activate Recovery Manager in a second operation. This is only a minor thing I can easily live with.

    Second, the bad news. Restoring large files over 5 GB from a selective files/folders backup still does not work for me. I backed up a single folder containing 3 tib images. All went fine and the operation concluded properly. Then I tried to restore just one image file from that backup to a new location. It went all the way to within seconds of the end and reported the restore failed due to a corrupt image. When I looked, the file had been written to the new location with its full size. The problem was that it had a name of random letters and numbers with an extension of TMP. I changed the extension to tib and tried to plug the image. TI said there was no information to display. This is a major problem that I can not live with.

    The wait continues!
  10. ocsscott

    ocsscott Registered Member

    Sep 24, 2005

    How about fixing the install so it can properly upgrade to the correcy version 2323. we have NEVER had to uninstall the prev version to get the new one. thats why its an update.

    Think you could get one version the works out to us after all these months.
  11. Shraddhan

    Shraddhan Registered Member

    Nov 19, 2005
    The failure to install over 202 had me puzzled too. Eventually, I tried uninstalling. While this was happening, I noticed that the displayed text said that the program was actually installing.

    But then, when I tried to run TI, it complained, so I re-installed 2323, gave it both my old serial numbers (TI8 and TI9), and after a reboot everything seemed fine, complete with the correct build number in the About window.

    One problem still not resolved: When I tried to manually run a job that does a backup of only selected files, it still did not work, even though I thought that Acronis knew about this problem some time back. (Full image backups were not affected by this bug.)

    The optional commands to run before a backup now seem at last to do so. YES! I waited so long! In 2302, the command would be executed too late to be of any use. In 2323 so far it seems OK, holding up the start of the backup until my command program finishes.

  12. Tsu

    Tsu Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2004
    Well I downloaded b2323 and before I installed it came over here.

    2323 is not going to be beta tested by me. If the installed can't be written to see an existing version TI8 or TI9, request or do an uninstall if required, or do an overwrite INCLUDING the version #; I have little confidence that the package delivered by the install is any better.

    If what has been said here previously about version control # is correct then the Acronis Beta testers need pink slips. I am not unfamiliar with software Q/A and the first test is the install, a check that the correct DLL/OCX/EXE etc. have replaced old, missing files from corrupted installs or deleted files ( as might occur when a virus scanned moves/deletes/remanes files ) are installed, version numbers update and appropraite error/warning messages suggest - uninstalls, reboots, overwrite of newer versions of the same file yada... yada... yada.

    If you can't get that right then there is no reason to test the application. You assume they have packaged old bad files in the build, missed files installed them in the wrong spot and/or didn't tweak the registery correctly.

    Shabby and shamful. If I were a new user starting with TI9 I would be long gone to the competition. Fortunately TI8b937 still works for me. My upgrade licences fo far has been a waste of money and I won't waste my time doing the testing for Acronis that I paid them to do.

    If anyone can suggest the previous posters are full of it; then I owe Acronis an apology and will install the upgrade to my test platform VMware image
  13. bvolk

    bvolk Guest

    The old build number in the About window is not just a slip. Quite a few files modified for build 2323 don't get transferred to the TrueImage folder if you don't unistall first. As far as i remember TrueImage.exe is one of them.
  14. ocsscott

    ocsscott Registered Member

    Sep 24, 2005
    acronis support,

    are you going to bother to address this and either repost with the installer fixed or atleast tell us what is going on and if we do need to uninstall first?

    It isin't that hard to take 5 minutes and post a response. Most seem to be sick of no answers and beta testing a bad product.
  15. Ozmaniac

    Ozmaniac Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2005
    Brisbane, Australia
    You definitely need to uninstall the old build first, but I used Control Panel>Add Remove and it worked perfectly and took about 5 seconds.

    Yes it's a pain and yes, you shouldn't need to uninstall, but if you can spare the time to moan about it in here, then you surely can afford the 5 seconds to uninstall first.:cool:
  16. btimms

    btimms Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2005
    I agree that it would be preferable that the installer should update over the 1st install - but the sticky "READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST" on this forum does recommend to do an unistall on he previous version before installing the latest - they probably should make it apparant at the download also.
  17. ocsscott

    ocsscott Registered Member

    Sep 24, 2005
    I build Installs for a living and this is just crappy work. The MSI install has an upgrade for a reason. Maybe support should answer why this doesn't work when it has for every other build.
  18. manuangi

    manuangi Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2003
    guys, I'm really annoyed!

    the forum's full of AcronisSupport's posts "Thank you for choosing Acronis Disk Backup Software" and yada yada, and NO posts here where this problem about the installer (at least, we may think) is bothering the all of us so much!

    I'm quite disappointed..
  19. MSP

    MSP Registered Member

    Oct 4, 2005
    Hi Mustang, just a quick question - Were you restoring the single files via the TI GUI individual restore option? Or by "plugging" the image and dragging the files in windows?

    I'm trying to decide if TI is worth buying, and my trials so far lead me to believe the base product is ok, but all the individual backup/restore stuff is crap!

    When I was evaluating TI, individual restored files came back truncated... They fixed this, so they came back the correct length, but with the end corrupted. Next attempt made it work correctly, but without restoring timestamp (and probably other permission settings), still pretty unusable:-(

    On the other hand restoring individual files by "plugging" the image and copying using windows worked correctly, file content and timestamps ok.

    Also complete partition restore appeared to work fine (only tried from windows).

    Has it got any better?

    Mark Phillips
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2005
  20. bodgy

    bodgy Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    We might have to start a new thread, with our concern as a title. It maybe that Acronis support, haven't gone any further than just seeing Build 9 etc etc is out, and assume that it is just a bunch of people all excited over a new version, and so haven't actually looked into the thread.

  21. JJH

    JJH Guest

    Have you E-mailed support?
    I did and got a very quick reply to uninstall previous build and install new build.
    All fixed easy.
    We are lucky Acronis does respond in this forum so I feel we should be greatfull they do.
  22. jimshu1

    jimshu1 Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Be real careful when uninstalling! If you go much past what the program's "partial" uninstall does, you will completely hose your system.

    I know because I did. Ironically, trying a complete, manual, and registry cleaner(s) assisted uninstall of TI ruined my OS partition. But having just made a TI image of it, I was back to my previous OS partition within 10 minutes.

    We really need a tested, complete uninstall procedure. TI is not like 98% of other programs. You're not just dealing with software, but with virtual devices also, even if you are not using the "Secure Zone". I do not think any TI "canned" uninstaller is possible, but a procedure should be.

    Here's a previous one that I believe TI posted, but it is not a complete uninstall either. ALWAYS IMAGE FIRST!!!

    Hello Menorcaman,

    As per the request, please find below the instructions for manual Acronis True Image uninstalltion:

    Please do the following in order to uninstall Acronis True Image manually:

    - Delete Acronis Secure Zone either through the wizard or manually;

    - Delete "snapman" from the following registry key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} -> UpperFilters

    - Delete "snapman" and "timounter" from the following registry key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{71A27CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F} -> UpperFilters

    - Run Device Manager and delete Acronis Image Archive Explorer;

    - Delete "snapman", "timounter" and "tifsfilter" from the following registry key:


    - Delete "TrueImage" value from the following registry keys:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Acronis\Autopart (can be absent)

    - Delete the Windows\System32\autoprnt.exe file, if it exists;

    - Delete the following folders:

    Program Files\Common Files\Acronis\CDRecord
    Program Files\Common Files\Acronis\Drivers

    - Download the file;
    - Open the command prompt (Start -> Run -> cmd);
    - Run the following command in the folder you saved the file to:
    schedmgr service uninstall
    - Open Task Manager and stop the following processes: schedhlp.exe, TrueImageMonitor.exe;
    - Delete the Program Files\Common Files\Acronis\Schedule2 folder;

    - Delete the desktop icon and Start menu shortcuts;

    - Delete the Program Files\Common Files\Acronis folder;
    - Delete the Program Files\Acronis\TrueImage folder;
    - Delete the Program Files\Acronis folder;

    - Delete "TrueImage Monitor" value from the following registry key:


    - Delete the following keys in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT:


    - Delete the following registry keys:


    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Acronis (you may need to grant full control permission to yourself to delete this key)

    - Reboot the computer.
  23. Tsu

    Tsu Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2004
    This would be correct if the bulk of the problems they are responding to were not Acronis self-inflicted.

    Why would anyone want to read or even know of the existence of these forums before installing an upgrade. If the FAQ sez uninstall before an upgrade, the install package can make this manditory, shut down all the Acronis services, do the uninstall, clean the registry, prompt for a reboot if necessary, ask if you want to keep your saved scheduled events and then upgrade/install the new version. This is not rocket science.

    In other threads there are convoluted instructions on doing an uninstall including whacking the registry. If any of that is truly required to do an uninstall rather than an add/remove programs and a reboot then this product should not be in the retail channel.

    p.s. just edited this and saw "JIMSHU1" post 3 minutes earlier... thanks for the registry info - I didn't really want to scan the forums for examples.
  24. mustang

    mustang Developer

    Apr 12, 2005
    Hello MSP,

    I have used the individual restore option. You cannot "plug" an image created with the selective files/folders option. You can only "plug" an image of a full partition.

    For me it is only this portion of the program that is not working. Full backups and restores are working. Full partition images can be "plugged" with no problem. Files can be restored from a "plugged" image. Individual files can be restored from a full partition backup with the correct date and are readable.

    If I were you, I would wait before purchasing TI9.

    Good luck,
  25. Dbryan05

    Dbryan05 Registered Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    I've had the same problems as everyone else with the new build, but I've also noticed something different.

    For me, the installer will not close once it's been opened. No matter what I do I always end up back at the same screen with a single option to install acronis true image. There is no close button on that screen, there is no cancel. Cancelling later in the process or installing all bring me back to the original screen with no way out save a control,alt, del --> end task.

    Is this happening for anyone else?
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