bsod with nv4_disp

Discussion in 'hardware' started by Hoghunter82d, Aug 5, 2008.

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  1. Hoghunter82d

    Hoghunter82d Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    I have a nvidia geforce 8400 gs. I just had Neverwinter nights 2, freeze up on me. When I tried to open task manager, I got a bsod that listed nv4_disp
    was stuck in some kind of loop. I am going to get the update from nvidia for the card, but was wondering if there was anything else that I should do.

    It also included the following:

    stop 0x000000ea (0x85a80020, 0x861de008, 0xf7a4fcbc, 0x00000001)

    Thanks for any help.

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