BSOD caused by NOD32

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by manados, Jan 16, 2006.

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  1. manados

    manados Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2006
    I have just installed NOD32 2.50.45 in my WIndows 98se
    Previously I was a loyal user of Norton but every new relase it needed more and more resources so I have decided to stop using it. (It was a big pain to uninstall it by the way)
    Everything works great, except BSOD durring boot.
    Everytime during booting I need to push a key when the BSOD appear and then Windows runs normaly.
    BSOD shows (I've partialy moticed):

    "OE in 0028:FF14DCA5 in VXD redbook(05) + 00000675"

    I have done many checks and I have considered BSOD doesn't appear when I uncheck in AMON-Detection-Extensions... a box "Scan all files"
    So in another words-when AMON checks only given extensions, BSOD doesn't exist.

    I don't have any spyware,adware,virus, I don't run anything except Outpost Firewall 3.0

    What can be the reason?
    When I uncheck a box "Scan all files"-does it decrease my safety?

    Please help.
    Thanx in advance :)
  2. Gedeon

    Gedeon Guest

    NOD32 2.50 works fine here, on W98SE with "Scan all files" checked in AMON. No boot problem.

  3. manados

    manados Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2006
    Thanx Gedeon

    It means-there is a conflict or something with the software installed on my computer.
    But how can I find what causes this issue?
  4. mrtwolman

    mrtwolman Eset Staff Account

    Dec 5, 2002
    Just a silly question - did you have norton on the same machine before ? If so, how did you make the uninstall ?
  5. manados

    manados Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2006
    Thanx for the answer mrtwolman

    A very good question
    Yes, I have used Norton SystemWorks.
    I have uninstalled it with add/remove function plus according to the list found here:
    I means I have used special Symantec cleaning tool SymNRT.exe then two files: SYMMSICLEANUP.reg and MSIFIX.bat taken from above site.

    I have used also for registry cleaning a tool RegSupreme.
    I gotta say-such bloated software I have seen the first time (I am talking about NSW)
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