What could I do against my browser leaking out information..... I have Adshield wich kill popup,ads,banner and stuff, anologx cookiewall..... But something to protect information from leaving... has NIS would do.... anyone know anything in the freeware range ?
You are correct in determining the need for a software firewall to control the outbound conversation of your various software etc. The application based firewalls are the easiest to understand and use, here are a few free firewalls that I know are either application or rule based. -ZoneAlarm: (freeware and shareware) Application Based. In surveys this is the most used firewall, and is good for beginners. This firewall is very easy to use and understand. -McAfee Personal Firewall (shareware) Application Based -Sygate: (freeware and shareware) Application Based -Outpost Firewall: (freeware) Application Based -Tiny Personal Firewall (freeware and shareware) Rule Based -Kerio Firewall: (freeware, when for home use) Rule Based And here are various Kerio filters found at http://www.geocities.com/yosponge/updates.html
Hi, I have LnS has a firewall, what I'm concern is information that leaks out of webrowsers such has, OS, CPU, Build number, etc... credit card info or whatever else I might have....
No browser will leak lots confidential information, unless you are not carefull about using a browser. What it will leak (if you do nothing) could be things like refers, cookie info, perhaps type of browser and OS used. Not all is very confidential though and any decent firewall will allow you to block most of these things. My Outpost firewall block cookies, refer strings and lots more, but as I said, most recent products help. As for your credit card info, name and address data: they are not leaked by your browser. It could leak out of your connection, if the communication is not secured by encryption. This would require sniffing the network between your browser and the site that you're transferring the information to. This is by no means an easy task, it does require more than basic skills or your average hackers skills to sniff. The risk of leaking really is small. There is more risk that the server that you trust to receive your information is being hacked (I know out of my own experience that this sometimes happens ) So the only advise here is: be ware that you only publish confidential information when you are certain that the communication is secured, using SSL (the https: protocol being used).
True, has far has I'm concerned I'm more worried about the website receiving my cc infos and I wouldn't go into details but lot of these servers don't secure there DB and or Clients list wich leads for skilled people to gain access to them. While this information might not be readable with a text editor the information can be converted. Thx for the infos, I'll just grab myself something to limit browser information like a cookie program, referer & something to stealth the browser.
Check for nasty BHOs /parasites on your browser! Many of them work through your browser while you are surfing, not much a software firewall can do about it. I doubt they steal your credit card number though. I would recommend proxomitron to block the obvious stuff like popups, referrer, etc. Prevent websites from sniffing your OS, Screensize, java version, etc..
regarding BHO's I'm clean with those and has far has proxomitron well it's a no no cause it slows down my inet connection.
Sorry, I misunderstood your question, and then after posting I totally lost the thread, LOL Anyway, are you are talking about NPF's ability to block confidential information? The ability to block information like your name, passwords, system name, e-mail address, home address, credit card numbers etc. from leaking to the internet unless you allow it. No I don't know of any program other then confidential info protection located as part of NPF. That is the reason why I continue to use NPF and haven't tried a different firewall. The one item that I have entered into NPF’s confidential information that is requested the most (not often, but often enough) is my computer name. This I block every time and I have not had a problem. If anybody has other computer ID items that they enter into the NPF confidential info section I would be most interested.
I wish it was just in my mind but when you go from usually 500k/s DS and 100k/s US and you land yourself with like 20k/s and slower..... oh well doesnt really matter it's all good anyway