Hi, Can anyone help me, please. I formatted my hard drive then tried to install Win 98SE. I got a message stating "Boot Sector Write!! VIRUS: Continue (y/n)" I could then not do anything. I went into the CMOS settings at startup & disabled Boot sector virus. I was then able to install Win 98SE. I've since updated Nod32, scanned, & found nothing! My PC is acting a bit wierd. Have I got a virus, if so how do I clean it or do I not worry. Thank you
The Win98SE installation program writes to your boot sector, causing this alarm. Most likely your BIOS is set to alarm whenever anything tries to modify your boot sector. Go into CMOS Setup and disable this feature, while installing Win98SE. I assume this is your BIOS doing this, since no software can be on your system until your O.S. is installed.