BoClean Update Problem

Discussion in 'LnS English Forum' started by dom424, Feb 3, 2003.

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  1. dom424

    dom424 Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2002
    Enid, OK.
    I am trying out the trial Look-N-Stop firewall using the enhanced rule set. I really like what I am seeing. The only problem I have encountered is when I go to update BoClean. It blocks the update. I can R click where it has blocked it and it will let me make a rule for that port. The problem is the next time it is a differant port and it is blocked again. I tried changing the port to ports 1024-5000 in the rule but am having no luck. Could someone lead me in the right direction, I am sure it has a simple solution. Thanks in advance.

    It will work when using the standard rule set.
  2. Felicity

    Felicity Guest

    Create a rule (Add) with these details:

    On rule page, read from left to right, starting at the top, details not specified leave as default.

    Name = BOClean update
    Ethernet = IP
    Direction = Internet > PC & PC > Internet
    IP = TCP
    Source = All, Destination = All
    IP (left side) = equal my @
    TCP/UDP (left side) = In range A:B - 1024 - 5000
    IP (right side) = equal
    TCP/UDP (right side) = Equal Or - 20 ftp-data - 21 ftp
    Click OK
    With the rule highlighted, move it down to below the Block Winuke rule.
    Click apply and save.
    Try Boclean.
    If no luck, go back tothe rule and add the application to the rule. Details later if req.
  3. tosbsas

    tosbsas Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Lima, Peru
    to be a little more paraniod :)--)) don't use 1024 - 5000 but 1024 - 4999. The hackers have found port 5000 :)--))

  4. Ph33r

    Ph33r Guest

    I could give you 101 reasons why those rules are impropriate, but I won’t…
    Why don’t you all just E-mail BOClean asking them to implement FTP Passive Feature into their Updater… Easy as that!

    Any program not willing to improve simple little Updater Utility for security reasons shows the lack of support for that product and should be trashed. :D
  5. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    I strongly protest against this.
    The company of Kevin and Nancy is well known of its absolutely first class support!!!
  6. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Now back to the question of dom424:

    I wonder whether you have tried the HTTP download possibility instead of the FTP.

    Go to:

    Scroll down to Having problems downloading?
    You will see there the HTTP download possibility.

    "Click on the graphic to the left to try downloading by HTTP instead of by FTP. You may need to RIGHT click and select "save link as" (Netscape) or "save target as" (Internet Explorer) if your screen fills up with junk".

    BTW: that page gives other info too about possible download problems.
  7. Ph33r

    Ph33r Guest

    Hey FanJ

    I didn’t pass judgement on it dude; I’m only saying anyone not capable of improving their Product for security reasons shows the lack of support. But I’m not saying they won’t be willing to improve if one has the nerve to E-mail them asking for FTP Passive Feature in their Updaters…

    However FanJ I do believe dom424 was in reference to BOClean’s Updater Utility and not manual updating. But yea manually downloading from HTTP server shouldn’t give anyone issues unless they aren’t capable of downloading with their current Rule Configurations which I highly doubt, And if they manually updating from FTP site they could adjust their browser or ftp client to use FTP Passive Mode.

    Manually downloading using Internet Explorer with FTP Passive mode configured, I had no need to create any FTP Rules or create identd rule to allow this server remote access through the Software Firewall.

    And if I wasn’t using Passive Mode, where identd being used a rule configured for identd services would be pointless under most circumstances. Blocking Identd access won’t prevent you most of the time from accessing the resources, just slow you up a tad bit before receiving the Updates…
  8. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    And I don't want to be called a "dude".
    I hope you understand that message.
  9. Ph33r

    Ph33r Guest

    No need for flaming, insulting my Intelligence won’t score you any baby points with me… I was only explaining myself, and if you didn’t like how I directed you then ask kindly to stop calling you that and don’t attempt to insult me otherwise you wont be getting any where’s with me…
  10. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Time out folks - please! :)

    Let's try to remember that this is an International Forum and people with very diverse backgrounds and whose primary languages are other than English all post here.

    Before we react to the terms used in these posts, let's try to consider that much translation is going on here.

    I've read this thread and I believe that no offense or insult was offered in either direction.

    Please consider these things.

  11. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    I was able to reproduce your problem in updating.
    Still need to investigate why that is, but if you place your rule above the block incoming connections rule, your problem should be resolved for now.
  12. Ph33r

    Ph33r Guest

    That’s because while any rules made for TCP Protocols are below “TCP : Block incoming connections” rule all remotely started connections attempts will be blocked, and when it’s above “TCP : Block incoming connections” it’s capable of receiving configured Remote Connections.

    Basically if you want to host web, ftp, games, mail…etc servers you place the rules above “TCP : Block incoming connections”.

  13. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    Phantom, thanks for the enlightment, but could have you not said something sooner, as previouss instructions from posters were to put that rule below the block WinNuke rule which is definitely below the tcp- block incoming connection rule, especially since you had already replied to that topic.
  14. Ph33r

    Ph33r Guest

    Hey MickeyTheMan

    Yea I could have but I don’t feel it’s appropriate to mention to others to open doors to remote end… I provided necessary informatics to help assist in another way… ;)
  15. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    Offering to trash product because it does not work according to your own schedule and ways is hardly any help.
  16. Ph33r

    Ph33r Guest

    That's pretty much it... ;)
  17. Ph33r

    Ph33r Guest

    From what I been told it appears BoClean Passive FTP Updater is nearly finished, isn’t that great news? And I don’t help? :D

  18. nameless

    nameless Registered Member

    Feb 23, 2003
    I told you about that in confidence... But I failed to tell you it was in confidence, so it's my fault you didn't know. I was asked not to post about it...
  19. Felicity

    Felicity Guest

    Did it work?
    Does it work?
    Need another injection of ideas?
    Need more info?
    Enjoying the rambling argument?
    Asleep? (don't wake up to answer).

    I got more info if needed, I don't use the enhanced rules myself, but I can load them to try/experiment if you want, with the Boclean rule. There are other options if you still have problem.
  20. TAG97

    TAG97 Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2002
    Connecticut USA
    And uncheck rule after you update and click save. ;)
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