"Block all connections" possible?

Discussion in 'LnS English Forum' started by Caratacus, Oct 17, 2005.

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  1. Caratacus

    Caratacus Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2003
    Is it possible with LnS to block and unblock all internet connections in one click, as with other firewalls? Excuse me if this has been asked and answered before or if I've missed something obvious.
  2. Thomas M

    Thomas M Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2003

    LnS has no single "click" button to block all connections.
    But I must admit I have never missed this feature so far ;)

    Thomas :)
  3. Caratacus

    Caratacus Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2003
    Thanks, Thomas M. I do use the feature a bit on the firewalls I've run over the years - Nortons, Zone Alarm, Outpost, Kerio 4 and so on. I've found it useful in various situations. I've been trialling LnS, like it a lot, and will probably buy a couple of licences. But I do think Frederic might perhaps consider including this feature in a future release.
  4. dog

    dog Guest

    Just create a rule for such ... place it at the top of the list ... and active it when you want to. ;)
  5. Caratacus

    Caratacus Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2003
    Ok, thanks Dog! I'll give that I try. I'm fairly ignorant of rules creation but I'm willing to research and learn. Thanks again!
  6. dog

    dog Guest

    It's very easy, If you have a problem let me know and I'll give you a hand, or create the rule and upload it here for you.
  7. dog

    dog Guest

    Here's the rule at any rate - just download it, unzip it and import it into LnS. I wouldn't really recommend using it, because between the FW Rules and App rules nothing that shouldn't have access (in or out) won't; so there really isn't a need. To invoke the rule; LnS will need to be unlocked, I wouldn't recommend you leave it in this state, it's best to only unlock LnS when needed, keeping it locked all the time; once your rules are configured properly you shouldn't really need to touch it - the only time I actually unlock LnS is for example; when one of my security apps changes or adds update servers, the I add those IPs for that app in the app filtering. But other than that, LnS remains locked all the time.

    This is a stretch but rather than the need to unlock LnS you use an app to trigger that rule, like if you don't use IE for web browsing you could use that to trigger the rule - Launch IE and LnS activates that rule blocking all traffic. I didn't include this with the rule, but you could easily modify it to incorporate it - lower left of the rule dialog - then add IE. I wouldn't recommend this either, it just a thought/possibility. ;)


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