Blazes big beef with programmers

Discussion in 'ten-forward' started by Mr.Blaze, Jul 3, 2003.

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  1. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    :cool: I would like to take the time to warn a few of my fellow newbies.

    :D I know it can be exciting to get the chance to start beta testing software and think your a big part of something.

    :cool:But be careful when sighing up for such thing's

    There seems to be a new trend going around with certain programmers not to talk ill about all programmers in general just a few bad apples in the crowd like in any crowd.

    First thing before sighing up with any beta programmer.

    Find out his track record with programs make sure he isn't the type to start one project abandon it and start a new one abandon it and so forth.

    To me what seems to be going on is they have newbies like me and you do all the hard work of running the program on several operating systems compile data fix bugs with our feed back and when its all done abandoned it and sale the program or program parts to other company's interested.

    or some use it as a means to get notice to get sighned on to a big name Av or At company.

    So when scopeing out a good chance in becoming part of a program team for beta testing check up on the following so you don't end up being used like a tool.

    1. [Track record] make sure guy isn't the type to start something then stop and start something new abandoning projects left and right.

    2.[finachaly secure] Make sure the programmer in question has a good paying job and is only doing this programing for fun on the side lines.

    why you ask?

    that way you know he Will stick with it and you donating several hundred ours wont be in vain

    3.[watch out for scam] Any programmer that ask money from you for beta testing his software is a scam.

    why is it a scam?

    will as a beta tester you are literally donating hundreds of hours of your time as it is why should you pay for helping the programmer work out all the bugs in his software lol?

    programmers need beta testers not the other way around as a beta tester you are contributing your free time out of the goodness of your heart and providing in-depth data on bug vulnerability and incomparability problems in truth you are the one that should be getting payed lol.

    but most programmers have the decency to give you a retail copy of the program you are beta testing as a reward for your hard work feed back and data on improving there program.

    Only time you should give any money is when the software is done and you know he will stick with it never saleing out

    this is usually in the form of a donation because you use the software and he updates it allot and you know he will be around.

    people like Java cool or pepi mk those kinda people and so many others programmers like them they are the ones that deserve donations if any.

    so just be careful what you sighen on for.

    when a programmer has a steady job and his love is in just creating as a hobby or for the love of it or just to provide great software to those that cant afford it thats the kinda guy you want to sighen up with.

    cause if hes not financially stable the first thing he will do is sale a program that he has been working on first chance he gets leaving you beta tester pondering what just happened?

    all that time all that money and for what so the guy can sale and retire It

    and end up witha cushy job not careing about all those that had made him successfully lol.

    all I'm saying as a newbie you are vulnerable to such scams

    you think yes i get to be part of something great only to find out later you been jacked.

    but for the most part many programmers arnt like this allot of them are good guys like Java cool and pepi mk or even ad-aware who have a free version of there software.

    just watch out for bad apples is all
  2. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    I don't know about others, Blaze, but I beta-test things simply for
    (a) the fun (and frustration) of it and (b) out of lack of other things to do when things are slow on the 'Net.

    I go in with my eyes wide-open about what can or will happen afterward.

    In the end, if your efforts result in improvements to whatever it was you were helping with, then that's basically it's own reward. If one little thing that I can point out gets fixed, makes whatever program easier-to-use or more effective - I'm content.

    At least for me it is.

    In the particular case you've been referring to - at least people are supposed to receive free licenses for another program.

    Don't feel USED, Mr. Blaze - feel USEFUL. Pete
  3. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    :D Hi Pete you make a very good point and thats a great outlook on things to but what really stood out in your statement was

    I go in with my eyes wide-open about what can or will happen afterward.

    also some beta testing is indeed its owen reward just for fun like you pointed out.

    then algain in some very rare cases you can be taken for a roller coaster ride so go in with my eyes wide-open makes allot of sense to me thx for your reply and feed back much appreciated
  4. Dan Perez

    Dan Perez Retired Moderator

    May 18, 2003
    Sunny San Diego

    All we can control is what WE do. If something we do has a beneficial impact then this is something great and is undiminished by whatever someone else does on their end as that is out of our hands.

    Still, some of the points you raise, Blaze, are helpful as it is frequently the case that people get "over-commited" in a cause without realizing there is frequently an emotional cost to be paid.

    Still the point remains that doing well brings its own benefit and if you dwell on that then you more clearly see that the rest is less important.

    Warm Regards,


    [Last minute Edit - BTW, you can classify my above statements as Stoic Philosophy for Newbies! :D For the advanced course, read Epictetus ;) ]
  5. Douglas

    Douglas Guest

    I have trouble with the ethics of continuing to take donations, all the time knowing you could very well dump the project. I understand the point about beta testing, but that's different from enticing people to donate.
    I think we've lost some basic principles of ethics in today's world.

  6. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    lol dan lmao always makeing me laugh you and lowwater ll\

    will doug you have good point but some programers also do go way out far beyound the call of duity take spy bot search and destroy or java cool those type of people i dont mind suporting.

    the only way they would sale out is if they were faceing being homeless or something or had new childrn on the way

    or if you pryed there software from there cold dead hand lol.

    those type of people deserve what spare change or bling bling you can give them.

    they dont even presure you to donate they just have a button saying if you like it pleas and thats it.

    basicly those are the programers i trust .

    but doug you right about ethics
  7. Douglas

    Douglas Guest

    Absolutely agree with you Mr.Blaze.

  8. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Hi Mr.Blaze,

    Just wanted to compliment you on the thought behind your post.
    Trying to warn others to avoid the disappointment you have lived through. That´s mighty nice.

    It is indeed wise to make some considerations before you start beta-testing.
    One of the things to consider (the most important one IMO): for who am I doing this. For me, for the developer or for the benefit of all mankind.
    Then it is up to you if you consider it worth the time and the effort (it should never cost you money IMHO).


  9. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    :Dyup i never come up with just the right words but Pieter that was beautifuly put it was perfect.

    so remember newbies

    One of the things to consider (the most important one IMO): for who am I doing this. For me, for the developer or for the benefit of all mankind.
    Then it is up to you if you consider it worth the time and the effort

    just like that sweet and to the point
  10. Uguel707

    Uguel707 Graphic Artist

    Nov 9, 2002
    San Diego
    Nice summary Blaze. That sounds cogent to me. :)

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