Updated here without issue, Darren. I haven't seen any YouTube or Google image search blocks for a while now. Congratulations on posting the 1000th post in this thread.
Hello daren, I hope you are well I use desktop wallet from ARK (https://ark.io/) I have to disable the suspicious addresses module (direct ip) in order to use the wallet. Is it planned in a future update, please, to be able to allow a trusted application within the Suspicious Addresses module ? Thank you in advance. Best Regards.
@acidking: Yes you can already whitelist the IP and it will be ignored. Just go into the ALLOW option and put in the IP instead of a domain. It works with both. There are actually a number of hidden features we have like this to solve such edge cases.
Blackfog is blocking logins on several websites, an example is NFL gamepass.com and also vids on many pages like ESPN and others. If i put BF into installmode all is fine, it's a little annoying though ass i then either have to wait 15 minutes for protection to enable or reboot.
@Sir Percy please send examples via PM and I can share them with the dev team. If we know about them we can solve them.
could you add support to brave? or is it the chrome option enough for the privacy cleaning to work? (I don't think so) also is there an option to clear events, I can see the main GUI window that blackfog stopped 16 profiling ips, I installed an antitracking app on top of blackfog and I want to see if I am still being tracked, thus reset the events/Main GUI in blackfog back to 0
Thanks that works great, there should be a short introduction on how to use the software and its features (if the user wishes it), 3-4 introductory pages with the option to skip, I've seen it in some software and it is great if well implemented, that and the installer x64 vcredist dependency fix
@acid king: Impressive you know some of the secret codes. Spot on. You are only the second person to ask for Brave support, but we will take another look. No app changes will be needed, just rulesets as we added some baseline detection in previous releases just in case. @lucd: Yes we do have an option to read the guide int he help menu, but its getting complex enough that we may need to do more as suggested. This will be even more important as we move to 5.0.
@Darren Williams: Just got this Threat Detection: Anonymous network detected Unsafe connection to Blocking. Process -> onedrive.exe Port -> 22067 PID -> 11756 Can't quite recall exactly what I was doing at the time, but can you throw a little light on what this is, or could be? Edit: I am wondering if it could be due to a syncing program, Syncthing, that I have recently started using.
So this means that one drive tried to use a direct IP address for its connection rather than a domain based one, which is always suspicious. No legit company should be hardcoding IP addresses into apps anymore as thats the first clue that its a potentially malicious. Let's see if it happens again.
I just purchased 1 year license for my laptop and was wondering that does BlackFog work properly with VPN? I have license for VPN software and was thinking if i can use it with BlackFog.
I had adguard previously on android, I know these are two different programmes but they are not so different as far as ads go blackfog make my Internet much more snappy, everything loads faster, I noticed immediately
@X9X Yes you can happily use BlackFog with your VPN, for example when using it to connect to a corporate network etc. Just be aware that the VPN is sort of redundant if you are just using it for anonymization purposes as BlackFog does this for you without the overhead and more importantly without sending data to another provider. BlackFog was actually designed so that no data leaves your device and so you don't have to worry about VPN hacks.
VPN services have difficult time analyzing traffic usage with blackfog the limit set by some VPN is not recognized, ie limit 5gb and still u can download 20gb, or the VPN counter acts in a weird erratic fashion, it's not bug just a feature
Hi, do I need to enable vpn option for android to get the most out of blackfog? does vpn allows app filtering like in adguard?
We will be adding support for that in the coming weeks. We have just released 4.6 today with the infrastructure in place for this. It will only require a rules update to add this support. The complete release notes for 4.6 are as follows: 4.6.0 – October 22, 2020 Augmented events for Enterprise console Added support for VDI images Added event drill-down to dashboard Updated installer with the latest MS support libraries Removed duplicate hostnames from block events Added license deactivation to Enterprise console Added support for MS Intune Scripts Added additional PowerShell protections Optimized PowerShell command line processing Updated Windows detection with 20H2
Hi Darren, I manually checked for updates, BF closed but did not re-open. I had to open / restart BF. Thanks, Dave
@Darren Williams Lately I never seem to need to put BFP into Install Mode ... Is this by design, or is there a setting I should check (Enterprise version)?