Staying in bed for space research Wednesday, November 30, 2005; Posted: 11:27 a.m. EST (16:27 GMT) TOULOUSE, France (AP) -- Laurence Theil lounges around in bed, with attendants to massage her back and bring her breakfast on a tray. But it isn't exactly a life of leisure: Theil has spent 50 straight days confined to bed for space research. She is not allowed to stand or sit up, ever, and there's a 24-hour surveillance camera to make sure. She showers lying down and even jogs in bed, strapped in to a vertical treadmill that makes people feel they are racing up a wall. Volunteers came from across Europe to spend 100 days at the center, more than half of it in bed. They are paid 15,000 euros ($17,500) to give constant blood samples, submit to electrocardiograms and take tests for bone density and muscle strength. Their urine -- all of it -- is stored and analyzed. The women also receive counseling and are meticulously cared for. Scientists will check up on them for three years. Geez, i'd stand on my head for 100 days for that kind of money! snowbound
Pish!....What a let-down....I'm with you Bubba....I thought, Yeah!.... slumbersville mit essen und grosse trinken at Count Buckulas pad......I had the ole' PJs heavily starched and pressed in anticipation......My littleTeddy called 'Night night' at the ready and a large 2 litre Stein.........Aahhhh!.well..... Can we make these Headers more explicit in future avoid these disappointments?.... Don't suppose she would be interested in a 'Sleeping partner' would she?....just to break the boredom...... Cochise, Let-down in Lithuania....
Oh pish tush!! I got snookered too! I was sure we were gonna get a web cam shot of Huge Buckie in his B'day suit.'s probably just as well!! Relieved in Rangoon, Righteous ed Ps....Happy B'day Beckie!
YEP, THOUGHT WE WERE GONNA ALL GO TO OZ, AND BUG BUCK! BUMMER!................. (I wonder if I could qualify for a job like that? Y'know, cat naps n all, pretty used to it!)
Yup me also. The "Wildman", was ready to get down and wild through hyper space. I though that perhaps Big Buck, was going to give Ole Heff a run for the money. Oh well it's back to Melba Toast for the "Wildman". Thanks Wildman
Hey Col Marj, Goodonya! Wisht I'da thought of that one!! Bugs Bucky..that twicky wittle ape!! Napping cats in Katmandu, Kool eddie
ROFL!! Ya made me drop ma sugar free soy milk vanilla nut cappucino mochachino all over ma keyboard! LOL! Why aren't you wearing yer Christmas gear? Sell it already?
Well 'Bugs Buckie' borry Marj's phrase....I'm collecting signatures to petition Snoguy so we can make your B'day wish come troo! Primrot has yet to post an I'm sure Cheezit is composing some extrys as we speak! Getting piles in Patagonia, Hemi ed
It wouldn't fit.....last change I had to get dog to give me an assist. I had to promise to be good til I lied! Repentent in Tonnouse, Poor Soul ed
Don't worry about Dog..Buckie and I are still working on the aerodynamics for him to guide your Winnebago tonight..