This beta appears to have solved the problem of blocking access to the other computer on my home LAN. Unfortunately though the GUI does not display. I can verify, via Process Explorer, that both DCSUserProt.exe and pgaccount.exe are loading. Examining the PG registry keys on both systems revealed something very interesting. On my desktop system that the beta is working on, there are 50 items in the PG key. while on the notebook only 5 items appear in the PG registry key. FWIW - I have made sure there is nothing running during the last PG install, there have been several including manual removals, that would block the registry keys being written. I may try to delete the PG key on the notebook and import the one from my desktop, just to see what happens. NOTE: I have sent DCS support an email outlining this problem, what I have found concerning the PG registry keys. I also included a Process Explorer file showing the PG/DCS files are loaded and running, as well as a zip file of both PG keys. Anyone here have any ideas as to what would cause this, or how it can be corrected?
The HD is accessed, but other than that nothing. I have monitored the startup with Sysinternals Filemon and will try to attach the file, maybe that will be of some help.
Looking at my OP I forgot to include that the desktop system is running XP home SP2, while the notebook is running XP home SP1. This brings up the question of whether the PG beta3 needs/requires SP2, or even .net for that matter.
It may be code which only works under XP SP2, just some additional version checks if so. If we can replicate then fix, no need for another beta
I did install sp2 on the notebook, even though it does slow the old AMD processor a good bit, and both PG and PE are now loading. Which pretty much confirms for me that there is some code in the PG beta that prevents the GUI from displaying. While in PE 2.110 the code prevents it from loading, with no PE process showing in Process Explorer.