Best Way To set Up Bitcoin?

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by lucygrl, Dec 28, 2013.

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  1. lucygrl

    lucygrl Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    What is the most anonymous way to set up bitcoin and pay with bitcoin?
  2. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    Buying at all anonymously is the hardest part. What options are available depends on where you are.

    Once you have Bitcoins, you can anonymize them by transferring from one anonymous account to another using mixing services. Multibit clients in Whonix instances work very well.

    See for more.
  3. Palancar

    Palancar Registered Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Part of the answer depends upon whether you are using BC for a one time purchase or if you need an ongoing wallet. I buy things annually using a one time wallet. I walk in with cash anonymously (no ID presented - ever) and deposit funds at a designated pay station. The pay station gives me a transaction number, which is really long, for a receipt. In a few minutes I am home and the bitcoins are already in my wallet. I pay my bill with the bitcoins which zero's the wallet and then I delete the wallet never to return to it. Next time I need to use BC I simply repeat the process. I use a new one time email account to communicate during the payment process It takes under 10 minutes total to remain anonymous and start with a clean trail every single time. All wallets and emails are never returned to. I store receipts in encrypted volumes should I ever need to verify anything such as a payment.
  4. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    Palancar's approach for buying Bitcoins is good if works in ones area. But it's no longer possible in some places that are less privacy-friendly.

    If ones anonymity is important enough, it's prudent to anonymize those Bitcoins at least once, through BitLaundry to a Multibit wallet in Whonix. For greater anonymity, anonymize a second time, through Bitcoin Fog (NOT Onion BC, which is a scam) to a second Multibit wallet in a second Whonix instance.
  5. happyyarou666

    happyyarou666 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    or simply use a secure bitcoin client such as armory connected through the original bitcoin client wich connects through tor , exspecially if its larger amounts of bitcoins , ok sure it requires you to locally store the blockchain database , but if you got atleast 20gbs left it shouldnt be an issue, and just delete the wallet off of your system once youve sent the coins through the mixer to a newly created wallet,

    besides theres mirmirs alternative to use multibit client with whonix as mentioned , This is a fantastic alternative for people who don't have the space and time to deal with the Block Chain. It
    does, however, introduce a small element of trust required in the site whose server is hosting the Block Chain. You must trust that they will keep their servers open and connected to the Bitcoin Network. This trust isn't make-or-break for your bitcoins since your private key is STILL stored locally, and you could always just take it to a different client if things went awry,

    i really dont see how whonix vms with theyre respective multibit client would make the mixing or bitcoins anymore anonymous , but please enlighten me , i do enjoy a good conversation and am in an constant learning process as we all ;)
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2013
  6. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    I've come to like Multibit instead of Bitcoin-Qt. You have a fully local wallet, but you don't need the blockchain, so synchronizing with the network is very fast. At times I may be running several Multibit wallets simultaneously. If I tried that with Bitcoin-Qt, it would totally bog my host (CPU, disk I/O and network I/O).

    No matter how deeply buried behind multiple VPNs you are, there's some risk that your wallets will be linked to you. Using independent Whonix instances for your mixing wallets means that they won't be the weakest link as you're anonymizing your Bitcoins.

    Edit: It is true that using the Multibit client requires trusting the blockchain server. I don't know Bitcoin well enough to assess the risks. But I still trust the core Bitcoin community well enough.
  7. happyyarou666

    happyyarou666 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    ok , thats some great valid points you make there and yes trust would be the only issue when it comes to a on server based blockchain client, but its not like

    multibit isnt peer reviewed matter of fact it is quite thoroughly after doing some research, and some people do trust it , then others that are uber paranoid with theyre coins like me , not so much..yet,

    and yes using independent whonix instances does seem to make more sense in sense of you not potentially risking youre mixing wallets being linked to you,

    i think ill go and setup some whonix vms with multibit right now matter of fact just to play around abit and see what its all about, thanks as usual for the contribution mirimir
  8. PaulyDefran

    PaulyDefran Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    Wanted to try Multibit, but didn't want to send the Bitcoins...wanted to convert wallets. Can't be done easily, if at all. I just moved my Blockchain to a 500 gig external drive - good enough :D But yeah, it's slow...but I don't "Bitcoin" every day.
  9. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    It's not that hard to do. I moved a few wallets some months ago. Basically, you just export the wallet from Bitcoin-Qt and import it into Multibit. I've forgotten the specifics. But in Bitcoin-Qt, you must use its internal "command line" to export the wallet's private keys. In Multibit, you just use "Import Private Keys".
  10. happyyarou666

    happyyarou666 Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2012
    ok let me be real for a sec , so mirimirs method is great for anonymising your bitcoins , my method aka bitcoinqt+armory is the safest method for storing your bitcoins , so people that have an investment or want to have a main

    wallet from wich they then send coins for anonymization to the seperate whonix multibit wallets , id recommend both methods , so you get both the rock solid security for your main stash encrypted wallet and the anonymity / light footprint of whonix vms/multibit clients mixing wallets
  11. DesuMaiden

    DesuMaiden Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2013
    This is a good thread. Thanks for starting it up.
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